05/07 Romans 1:15-16
So I am eager to come to you in Rome, too, to preach the Good News. 16 For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile.
Are you ashamed of the Gospel? Do you believe that Jesus died for your sins and was raised from the dead providing forgiveness and His righteousness for you by the power of God? If you believe in Jesus you can then by His power and strength share with others your hope in the Gospel of Good News. You have great value. Christ died for you. He is alive by the power of God and now lives in you giving you the right of access to the Father, right standing by His sacrifice and the absolute certainty of your destination-to be with Him in eternity. What a great story of hope you have to share with anyone and everyone. Many will not receive it but you can still share it. Tell the Good News about your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ to everyone.