Today's Good News

Author - Clay Corvin


07/23          Colossians 4:11-17

11 Jesus (the one we call Justus) also sends his greetings. These are the only Jewish believers among my co-workers; they are working with me here for the Kingdom of God. And what a comfort they have been! 12 Epaphras, a member of your own fellowship and a servant of Christ Jesus, sends you his greetings. He always prays earnestly for you, asking God to make you strong and perfect, fully confident that you are following the whole will of God.  13 I can assure you that he prays hard for you and also for the believers in Laodicea and Hierapolis.  14 Luke, the beloved doctor, sends his greetings, and so does Demas.  15Please give my greetings to our brothers and sisters at Laodicea, and to Nympha and the church that meets in her house. 16 After you have read this letter, pass it on to the church at Laodicea so they can read it, too. And you should read the letter I wrote to them. 17 And say to Archippus, “Be sure to carry out the ministry the Lord gave you.” 18 HERE IS MY GREETING IN MY OWN HANDWRITING —PAUL . Remember my chains. May God’s grace be with you.


Father help me to pray for my family, friends and need.  The world is a needy place and there are so many poor.  I do pray for relationships.  Train me to be winsome and gentle always quick to encourage and never discourage others. Thank you Lord for your encouragement of me. 




07/22          Colossians 4:7-10

7 Tychicus will give you a full report about how I am getting along. He is a beloved brother and faithful helper who serves with me in the Lord’s work.  8 I have sent him to you for this very purpose—to let you know how we are doing and to encourage you.  9 I am also sending Onesimus, a faithful and beloved brother, one of your own people. He and Tychicus will tell you everything that’s happening here. 10Aristarchus, who is in prison with me, sends you his greetings, and so does Mark, Barnabas’s cousin. As you were instructed before, make Mark welcome if he comes your way. 


I pray Father that today I will make folks welcome.  That I will be a helper with a kind word and a gentle spirit.  People need the Lord and I pray that I can be a winsome witness for Jesus.  I want to grow in usability Lord, train me today.  I pray for my family, my friends and the hurting in my community.  Calm the chaos.  Dispel the rampant evil.  In Jesus name Lord, In Jesus name. 




07/21          Colossians 4:5-6

5 Live wisely among those who are not believers and make the most of every opportunity. 6Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone. 


Father today help me to live wisely.  Life happens so quickly, guide me so that I will slow down, ask your advice and then follow your advice.  Speak Lord and help me to hear.  I need you. I need you Lord. 




07/20          Colossians 4:4

4 Pray that I will proclaim this message as clearly as I should. 


Lord you are so active in my life, help me to share that activity with everyone I meet.  I pray that those on the road to Hell will be pulled aside and saved.  Let me be a sweet-smelling incense to all.  I need divine appointments today Father, lead me to needy people. 




07/19          Colossians 4:3

3 Pray for us, too, that God will give us many opportunities to speak about his mysterious plan concerning Christ. That is why I am here in chains. 


I am praying for all of my family today Lord and for my friends and the hurting.  Remind me to lift up those who are sick and to share with you about the poor and hurting people around me.  Lord I want to be a helper.  Use me, guide me and equip me to be your hands and feet. 






07/18          Colossians 4:1-2

1 Masters, be just and fair to your slaves. Remember that you also have a Master—in heaven. 2 Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart. 


Oh Lord I know that I am called to love those around me, give me the strength and joy to do just that. Today Lord help me to be useable and useful in promoting the Gospel story and help me tell about your work in my life.  Jesus is Lord. 




07/17          Colossians 3:25

25 But if you do what is wrong, you will be paid back for the wrong you have done. For God has no favorites.


No one has an inside track on God and I am grateful today that I know Jesus and stand before the Father in Jesus righteousness.  Thank you Lord for your concern for me and for saving me. Life is hard but you Lord go through life with me.  Thank you. I need you Jesus.  I need you. 




07/16          Colossians 3:24

24 Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ. 


Lord I am so grateful that You are my master and I am the servant.  I know I need your help today and bend my knee to you to listen, to obey and to be grateful.  Thank you Jesus.  Thank you. 




07/15          Colossians 3:23

23 Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. 


Lord today I want to know you better.  For me to care for others I will need to know you and know what you said.  Help me not to make stuff up and then quote it as though I knew what I was saying.  Call me Lord, call me to your side and help me to learn from you. 




07/14          Colossians 3:18-22

18Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting for those who belong to the Lord. 19 Husbands, love your wives and never treat them harshly. 20 Children, always obey your parents, for this pleases the Lord. 21 Fathers, do not aggravate your children, or they will become discouraged.  22 Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything you do. Try to please them all the time, not just when they are watching you. Serve them sincerely because of your reverent fear of the Lord. 


Lord help me to be a good servant today.  People are hurting, help me to listen. I will pray my list of friends today so that you might be mindful of them.  Oh Lord guide my path on the everlasting way.