Today's Good News

Author - Clay Corvin


April 12                      Psalm 39:4

4 “ LORD, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered— how fleeting my life is. 


Time will pass entirely too quickly.  I will not have the time I want.  I must do what I can and to be whom God created me to be today.  Not tomorrow or next week-Today!  Lord help me to maximize my time here on Earth for you.  Do the next right thing.  Jesus is Lord. 



April 11                      Psalm 102:11-12

11 My life passes as swiftly as the evening shadows. I am withering away like grass. 12 But you, O LORD, will sit on your throne forever. Your fame will endure to every generation. 


We do not know the day or hour that we will be called to account for our life.  I am a shadow.  Help me Lord to make every day count and to do those things that count with you.  Praise the Lord. 




April 10                      Psalm 102:1-3

1 LORD, hear my prayer! Listen to my plea! 2 Don’t turn away from me in my time of distress. Bend down to listen, and answer me quickly when I call to you. 3 For my days disappear like smoke, and my bones burn like red-hot coals. 


I cry out to you Lord.  I need you.  Please listen to me and I know You do.  Praise the name of the Lord.  Praise your holy name. 



April 9                        2 Samuel 14:14

14 All of us must die eventually. Our lives are like water spilled out on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again. But God does not just sweep life away; instead, he devises ways to bring us back when we have been separated from him. 


All of us must die one day.  All of us will face that transition from life and the only time we can choose where we are going is in this life.  Will I choose the Lord God Almighty in Jesus Christ as Savior or will I choose another god that is no god to follow.  I would encourage you to choose Jesus.  Choose well. 



April 8                        Ephesians 5:15-17

15 So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. 16 Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days. 17 Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do. 


You know what the Lord requires of you-ask Jesus to forgive you of your sin and to come into your heart and save you-that’s what you do then you are to be-to love Him with all of your heart and to love your neighbor as yourself.  Think about what you are doing.  Forgive quickly.  Ask for forgiveness when you wrong someone. 




April 7                        1 Peter 1:23-25

23 For you have been born again, but not to a life that will quickly end. Your new life will last forever because it comes from the eternal, living word of God. 24 As the Scriptures say, “People are like grass; their beauty is like a flower in the field. The grass withers and the flower fades. 25 But the word of the Lord remains forever.” And that word is the Good News that was preached to you.


The Scripture says it perfectly.  You have been born again to eternal life in Jesus Christ. 




April 6                        1 Peter 1:18-21

18 For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And it was not paid with mere gold or silver, which lose their value. 19 It was the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God. 20 God chose him as your ransom long before the world began, but now in these last days he has been revealed for your sake. 21 Through Christ you have come to trust in God. And you have placed your faith and hope in God because he raised Christ from the dead and gave him great glory. 


You are beloved and highly favored by the Creator of the Universe.  He made a way out of this life of travail into His Holy Family.  This life is in His darling Son Jesus.  Christ paid the price for your sin that you could not pay-the perfect for the imperfect.  Jesus is the way, the truth and the life for in Him you both live and have a certain future which no one or nothing can take away from you.  Christ is Lord. 





April 4                        Proverbs 27:1-2

1 Don’t brag about tomorrow, since you don’t know what the day will bring. 2 Let someone else praise you, not your own mouth— a stranger, not your own lips. 


We are called to be humble.  Assume a cloak of humility.  That doesn’t mean you are nothing because we know that we belong to Jesus and have inestimable value.  It means we recognize the value of those around us, we respect them and we are striving for their best good.  Set aside your ego and serve the Lord. 



April 3                        Psalm 90:8-12

8 You spread out our sins before you— our secret sins—and you see them all. 9 We live our lives beneath your wrath, ending our years with a groan. 10 Seventy years are given to us! Some even live to eighty. But even the best years are filled with pain and trouble; soon they disappear, and we fly away. 11 Who can comprehend the power of your anger? Your wrath is as awesome as the fear you deserve. 12 Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom. 


The only time we have to listen to Jesus is now.  Time flies and life will soon be over therefore we want to listen right now before it is too late.  Listen to Jesus and do what He says. 




April 2                        Psalm 144:3-4

3 O LORD, what are human beings that you should notice them, mere mortals that you should think about them? 4 For they are like a breath of air; their days are like a passing shadow. 


One word that best describes the best of mankind: weak.  Our strength disappears with age.  Our life can vanish in a moment.  Praise God from whom all blessings flow.