Today's Good News

Author - Clay Corvin


08/18               Ephesians 3:12-13 

Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence.  13 So please don’t lose heart because of my trials here. I am suffering for you, so you should feel honored. 


The Father encourages us to come.  We can approach Him in Christ.  Jesus gives us His righteousness.  We can go to the Father with everything we have on our heart and then some.  Pray. 





08/17               Ephesians 3:9-11 

I was chosen to explain to everyone this mysterious plan that God, the Creator of all things, had kept secret from the beginning.  10 God’s purpose in all this was to use the church to display his wisdom in its rich variety to all the unseen rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.  11 This was his eternal plan, which he carried out through Christ Jesus our Lord. 


You are God’s plan, your life, your experience and your contacts.  People need people and we are His minsters.  Jesus is Lord.



08/16               Ephesians 3:6-8 

And this is God’s plan: Both Gentiles and Jews who believe the Good News share equally in the riches inherited by God’s children. Both are part of the same body, and both enjoy the promise of blessings because they belong to Christ Jesus. 7 By God’s grace and mighty power, I have been given the privilege of serving him by spreading this Good News. 8 Though I am the least deserving of all God’s people, he graciously gave me the privilege of telling the Gentiles about the endless treasures available to them in Christ. 


We have everything we need to live a Christ like life in Jesus.  He available to us as a free gift from God and He is God’s everything.  Jesus loves you.  He will lead, guide and direct your life if you will surrender your will to Him.  Rejoice.  Jesus is alive. 



08/15               Ephesians 3:4 

As you read what I have written, you will understand my insight into this plan regarding Christ. 5 God did not reveal it to previous generations, but now by his Spirit he has revealed it to his holy apostles and prophets. 


God’s Plan for you is Jesus Christ.  Jesus is God’s everything.  Get to know Him.  He has a plan for your life.  He wants you to know that plan.  Time spent with Jesus is time well spent. 


08/14               Ephesians 3:1-3 

When I think of all this, I, Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus for the benefit of you Gentiles 2 assuming, by the way, that you know God gave me the special responsibility of extending his grace to you Gentiles.  3 As I briefly wrote earlier, God himself revealed his mysterious plan to me. 


Everything that the Lord has for us has been revealed in Jesus.  He is God’s everything.  When you have Jesus you have everything that you need for leading a Godly life.  Whatever you need you can turn to Jesus for it.  He will give you wisdom, mercy and grace and will equip you to do that which the Lord has called you to do.  His plan for you is perfect. 




08/13               Ephesians 2:20-22 

Together, we are his house, built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets. And the cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself.  21 We are carefully joined together in him, becoming a holy temple for the Lord. 22 Through him you Gentiles are also being made part of this dwelling where God lives by his Spirit.


In Jesus we are Holy to the Lord God.  He sees us thru Jesus.  Jesus gives us His righteousness.  It isn’t something we do it is something we accept.  We do His work in this world because He saved us not because we want to be saved.  


08/12               Ephesians 2:19 

So now you Gentiles are no longer strangers and foreigners. You are citizens along with all of God’s holy people. You are members of God’s family. 


We have access to the Family of God because Jesus paid the price of our sin.  Turn to Him and ask Him to forgive you and you shall be saved.  A free gift that requires our acceptance.  Jesus is Lord. 




08/11               Ephesians 2:17-18 

He brought this Good News of peace to you Gentiles who were far away from him, and peace to the Jews who were near. 18 Now all of us can come to the Father through the same Holy Spirit because of what Christ has done for us. 


Christ died for us.  He knew our need and how desperate our situation was and He stepped down out of Heaven into our world.  He lived a perfect life.  He died for our sin, was buried and resurrected by the power of God and now sits at the right hand of God interceding for us this very moment.  The price He paid permits us to have the gift of salvation for free.  Praise the Lord that we can be saved simply by accepting this free gift. 





08/10               Ephesians 2:15-16 

He did this by ending the system of law with its commandments and regulations. He made peace between Jews and Gentiles by creating in himself one new people from the two groups. 16 Together as one body, Christ reconciled both groups to God by means of his death on the cross, and our hostility toward each other was put to death. 


Jesus paid the price to reconcile Jew and Gentile.  He is our peace.  His death, burial and resurrection show His great power and victory and His sacrifice brought us into the Family of God.  Jesus is Lord of all and He is Lord of us.



08/09               Ephesians 2:14 

For Christ himself has brought peace to us. He united Jews and Gentiles into one people when, in his own body on the cross, he broke down the wall of hostility that separated us. 


We are one in Christ.  We have been brought into God’s family.  He is our Father.  We belong to Him.  Praise the Lord.  Thank you Father.