Today's Good News

Author - Clay Corvin


10/08 Psalm 123:3-4
Have mercy on us, LORD, have mercy, for we have had our fill of contempt. 4 We have had our fill of the scoffing of the proud and the contempt of the arrogant.
We need mercy. Jesus offers us mercy. Spend time with Jesus. Get to know Him and He will not forsake you. Jesus is Lord.


10/07 Psalm 123:1-2
A song for the ascent to Jerusalem. I lift my eyes to you, O God, enthroned in heaven. 2 We look to the LORD our God for his mercy, just as servants keep their eyes on their master, as a slave girl watches her mistress for the slightest signal.
Focus on Jesus. You don’t have to explain Him nor do you have to understand everything about Him. Jesus loves you and wants to spend time with you.


10/06 John 6:67-71
Then Jesus turned to the Twelve and asked, “Are you going to leave, too?” 68 Simon Peter replied, “Lord, to whom would we go? You alone have the words that give eternal life. 69 We believe them, and we know you are the Holy One of God.” 70 Then Jesus said, “I chose the twelve of you, but one is a devil.” 71 He was speaking of Judas, son of Simon Iscariot, one of the Twelve, who would betray him.
Jesus knows what is going on in your life. He knows what you need. He is willing to give you what you need. Ask Him and He will provide for you. Jesus is Lord and we are members of His family. He will not forsake you.


10/05 John 6:64-66
But some of you don’t believe me.” (For Jesus knew from the beginning who didn’t believe, and he knew who would betray him.) 65 Then he said, “That is what I meant when I said that people can’t come to me unless the Father brings them to me.” 66 At this point many of his disciples turned away and deserted him.
You believe in Jesus and He will not forsake you. You know Him and have asked him into your heart. Believe in Jesus. Jesus loves you.


10/04 John 6:62-63
Then what will you think if you see me, the Son of Man, return to heaven again? 63 It is the Spirit who gives eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing. And the very words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.
The Spirit of God-the Holy Spirit- is alive and He is in us to give us the spiritual dimension we need to connect with the Lord. The Holy Spirit will give us the life giving presence that we need. He is alive and He is alive in us. Jesus is Lord.


10/03 John 6:60-61
Even his disciples said, “This is very hard to understand. How can anyone accept it?” 61 Jesus knew within himself that his disciples were complaining, so he said to them, “Does this offend you?
It is hard for us to believe and trust the Lord. We are so sin stained, so self-focused that surrender to the Lord is foreign to our mind and heart. Life goes fast-trust the Lord and love Him with all of your heart.


10/02 John 6:57-59
I live by the power of the living Father who sent me; in the same way, those who partake of me will live because of me. 58 I am the true bread from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live forever and not die as your ancestors did, even though they ate the manna.” 59 He said these things while he was teaching in the synagogue in Capernaum.
Jesus is true. He is true in spite of what you or me think. Jesus is the true Word from God, He is the LIVING LORD and we have life and peace in Him. Jesus is the true God and Messiah. Come Lord Jesus.


10/01 John 6:52-56
Then the people began arguing with each other about what he meant. “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” they asked. 53 So Jesus said again, “I assure you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you cannot have eternal life within you. 54 But those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise them at the last day. 55 For my flesh is the true food, and my blood is the true drink. 56 All who eat my flesh and drink my blood remain in me, and I in them.
Jesus is a stumbling block for the lost and life and power for the saved. He brings us into His family and invests His power, and sustenance in us. We are saved by grace unto eternity.


09/30 John 6:48-51
Yes, I am the bread of life! 49 Your ancestors ate manna in the wilderness, but they all died. 50 However, the bread from heaven gives eternal life to everyone who eats it. 51 I am the living bread that came down out of heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live forever; this bread is my flesh, offered so the world may live.”
Jesus gives us the strength we need to face the unknown and to overcome the difficulty sin brings in our life. We need power to face each day and Jesus gives us that power.


09/29 John 6:45-47
As it is written in the Scriptures, ‘They will all be taught by God.’ Everyone who hears and learns from the Father comes to me. 46 (Not that anyone has ever seen the Father; only I, who was sent from God, have seen him.) 47 “I assure you, anyone who believes in me already has eternal life.
Anyone who believes in Jesus has eternal life. You and I are included in that promise. Jesus is alive and He is seeking and saving the lost. If you have asked Christ to save you rejoice for you can know with surety that He has indeed saved you. Jesus loves you.