08/01 Luke 6:20
Then Jesus turned to his disciples and said, “God blesses you who are poor, for the Kingdom of God is given to you.
We need rules yet we hate rules. Some of us need more rules than others. We rebel when someone says this is the way it should be. We can’t possibly keep these rules in Luke 6 or the rules in any other chapter and yet if we give ourselves up to Jesus He will equip us, enable us and guide us as we learn to live by Kingdom Rules. Here goes. I’m a sinner; you’re a sinner all of us at one time were dead in our trespasses and sin. Now we are no longer outside the Kingdom for we have been forgiven and brought near to God by the Lord Jesus Christ. And yet we still struggle with our daily devotion to the Lord and so often find ourselves trying to live in this world and in the spiritual realm, which we know is impossible. Seek the Lord. As you grow in Christ likeness you will be burdened by your sin. You will experience insurmountable obstacles and still you will persevere. Jesus is Lord and you have put yourself under His rule. You let Him provide what you need for the spiritual realm and you are devoted to putting everything you own and have under His rule. The Kingdom of God is given to you.
Author - Clay Corvin
07/31 Psalm 119:86-88
All your commands are trustworthy. Protect me from those who hunt me down without cause. 87 They almost finished me off, but I refused to abandon your commandments. 88 In your unfailing love, spare my life; then I can continue to obey your decrees.
The Psalmist is praying to the Lord, as we should also do. Spend time with Jesus. Know Him and trust in His Word. When we come into the Family of God by His free gift of forgiveness in Christ Jesus we are immediately spared from eternal death. Jesus spares our life. He has already answered your prayer. Note that when we realize the Lord has spared our life we will need to get busy in praising Him.
07/30 Psalm 119:83-85
I am shriveled like a wineskin in the smoke, exhausted with waiting. But I cling to your principles and obey them. 84 How long must I wait? When will you punish those who persecute me? 85 These arrogant people who hate your law have dug deep pits for me to fall into.
God’s Word is that He will be with you soon. Justice grinds slowly, time passes quickly but rest assured that the Lord will punish wrong doers and He is coming soon. Come Lord Jesus.
07/29 Psalm 119:81-82
I faint with longing for your salvation; but I have put my hope in your word. 82 My eyes are straining to see your promises come true. When will you comfort me?
Hope is not what we so often think it is. Hope is a sure thing. Hope helps us to walk on His path until we see Him. His comfort always comes at the right time on our HOPE journey. The Lord is faithful and HE will do it. Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, believe in Him and comfort will come.
07/28 Psalm 119:80
May I be blameless in keeping your principles; then I will never have to be ashamed.
We need wisdom so that we will live Godly lives. Even though we are members of the Lord’s household we still get blinded by sin. Wisdom is needed to rip away that blindness. His wisdom is needed to walk in the light. Ask the Lord to give you what you need to live your life in Christ. Focus on Jesus.
07/27 Psalm 119:78-79
Bring disgrace upon the arrogant people who lied about me; meanwhile, I will concentrate on your commandments. 79 Let me be reconciled with all who fear you and know your decrees.
God calls us to be Christ focused. Tell Him your troubles and focus on Him not your troubles. Be reconciled with those you are journeying through life with. Peace and harmony are evidences of the Lord’s presence. Love the Lord with all of your heart and love and treat your brothers and sisters as you would yourself. Jesus is Lord. Surrender your life to Him.
07/26 Psalm 119:76
Now let your unfailing love comfort me, just as you promised me, your servant. 77 Surround me with your tender mercies so I may live, for your law is my delight.
The Lord has promised you that His love would not fail. He will comfort you in all circumstances. Ask the Lord to help you discover His great love for you. Once you know it and realize that His love is unfailing your life is changed into eternity.
07/25 Psalm 119:75
I know, O LORD, that your decisions are fair; you disciplined me because I needed it.
We can discipline ourselves or the Lord can discipline us. His discipline is for our best good. He will do what He has to do to get our attention. When you feel the Lord is disciplining you take stock of what is going on and why you are being disciplined. Bend your knee in submission and repent. Return to Him as soon as you realize what is going on. Seek His advice and direction and do what the Lord says.
07/24 Psalm 119:74
May all who fear you find in me a cause for joy, for I have put my hope in your word.
Put your hope in Jesus and you will have reason for joy. The Lord will fill you with His joy that is everlasting. The Lord is good and He is worthy of all of our praise, honor and devotion.
07/23 Psalm 119:72-73
Your law is more valuable to me than millions in gold and silver! 73 You made me; you created me. Now give me the sense to follow your commands.
Our obedience comes when we surrender to the Lord and even when we don’t understand why we should do something we do it. Wisdom is the willingness to do what the Lord says and then to take the action of obedience. Do the next right thing and you will grow in wisdom and understanding.