12/7 Isaiah 2:19-22
19 When the LORD rises to shake the earth, his enemies will crawl with fear into holes in the ground. They will hide in caves in the rocks from the terror of the LORD and the glory of his majesty. 20 They will abandon their gold and silver idols to the moles and bats. 21 They will crawl into caverns and hide among the jagged rocks at the tops of cliffs. In this way, they will try to escape the terror of the LORD and the glory of his majesty as he rises to shake the earth. 22 Stop putting your trust in mere humans. They are as frail as breath. How can they be of help to anyone?
Trust in the Lord. He knows the end from the beginning. He is in control of time and yet is focused on each one of us. He knows everything that goes on in our life. The Lord is good and He loves you. Trust in the Lord.
Author - Clay Corvin
12/6 Isaiah 2:9-18
So now everyone will be humbled and brought low. The LORD cannot simply ignore their sins! 10 Crawl into caves in the rocks. Hide from the terror of the LORD and the glory of his majesty. 11 The day is coming when your pride will be brought low and the LORD alone will be exalted. 12 In that day the LORD Almighty will punish the proud, bringing them down to the dust. 13 He will cut down the tall cedars of Lebanon and the mighty oaks of Bashan. 14 He will level the high mountains and hills. 15 He will break down every high tower and wall. 16 He will destroy the great trading ships and all the small boats in the harbor. 17 The arrogance of all people will be brought low. Their pride will lie in the dust. The LORD alone will be exalted! 18 Idols will be utterly abolished and destroyed.
Jesus is Lord of all and He will be exalted. Jesus takes us to the Father, we live and move and breathe in Him. Christ is our guide, He is our strength and He will guide us step by step as we live our life so that we can serve Him. People count with Jesus and He will equip us to make them count in our life.
12/5 Isaiah 2:5-8
Come, people of Israel, let us walk in the light of the LORD! 6 The LORD has rejected the people of Israel because they have made alliances with foreigners from the East who practice magic and divination, just like the Philistines. 7 Israel has vast treasures of silver and gold and many horses and chariots. 8 The land is filled with idols. The people bow down and worship these things they have made.
The world is filled with things that can sidetrack us. Keep your heart focused on Jesus. Let Him guide your path. Submit your heart to Christ and He will equip you to live your life under His control. Be a servant. Do not think highly of yourself and your goals, make sure that they are the goals the Lord has for you. Submit your life to Him and He will guide you with wisdom, mercy and grace.
12/4 Isaiah 2:4
The LORD will settle international disputes. All the nations will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. All wars will stop, and military training will come to an end.
We can have real confidence in the Lord. The victory has been won. HE has an expected end that we can look forward to and know that He will bring it to pass. The Lord is in control and He is moving everything towards His control. Jesus is at work in us. One day soon the Lord will sum all things up and the world will worship Him. Our future is sure. His will be done.
12/3 Isaiah 2:3
Many nations will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the Temple of the God of Israel. There he will teach us his ways, so that we may obey him.” For in those days the LORD’s teaching and his word will go out from Jerusalem.
There will be a day when the Lord will change everything. There will be no evil, sin abolished and in its place will be light and life. One day Jesus will rule every heart for the evil one and his minions will be cast out of this world. One day Christ will return and we will live in His presence and worship Him in truth.
12/2 Isaiah 2:1
This is another vision that Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem: 2 In the last days, the Temple of the LORD in Jerusalem will become the most important place on earth. People from all over the world will go there to worship.
Isaiah saw himself as ordinary. What he had to say was from God and His Word was extraordinary. You have a word from God; it is Christ in you your only hope of glory. Let Jesus abide in you and control what you say and do. Your life in Christ will be extraordinary.
12/1 Matthew 24:44
You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected.
Jesus is coming back. The World doesn’t believe that and will suffer judgment. Do not overlook how important this is: Jesus is coming back soon. The early church believed this and lived ready to go at any moment. This world is not your home for we are just passing through. Prepare today for Jesus is coming back and it will be soon.
11/30 John 8:48-59
48 The people retorted, “You Samaritan devil! Didn’t we say all along that you were possessed by a demon?” 49 “No,” Jesus said, “I have no demon in me. For I honor my Father — and you dishonor me. 50 And though I have no wish to glorify myself, God wants to glorify me. Let him be the judge. 51 I assure you, anyone who obeys my teaching will never die!” 52 The people said, “Now we know you are possessed by a demon. Even Abraham and the prophets died, but you say that those who obey your teaching will never die! 53 Are you greater than our father Abraham, who died? Are you greater than the prophets, who died? Who do you think you are?” 54 Jesus answered, “If I am merely boasting about myself, it doesn’t count. But it is my Father who says these glorious things about me. You say, ‘He is our God,’ 55 but you do not even know him. I know him. If I said otherwise, I would be as great a liar as you! But it is true — I know him and obey him. 56 Your ancestor Abraham rejoiced as he looked forward to my coming. He saw it and was glad.” 57 The people said, “You aren’t even fifty years old. How can you say you have seen Abraham? ” 58 Jesus answered, “The truth is, I existed before Abraham was even born!” 59 At that point they picked up stones to kill him. But Jesus hid himself from them and left the Temple.
Jesus speaks of Himself as obedient to the Father. He knew what was going on and He knew the sacrifice He would make on the cross. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. He died to save us from our sin. His every thought was for us. He is the Savior and we are saved by His wonderful gift of forgiveness and life. Praise the Lord for what He has done.
11/29 John 8:39-47
39 “Our father is Abraham,” they declared. “No,” Jesus replied, “for if you were children of Abraham, you would follow his good example. 40 I told you the truth I heard from God, but you are trying to kill me. Abraham wouldn’t do a thing like that. 41 No, you are obeying your real father when you act that way.” They replied, “We were not born out of wedlock! Our true Father is God himself.” 42 Jesus told them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, because I have come to you from God. I am not here on my own, but he sent me. 43 Why can’t you understand what I am saying? It is because you are unable to do so! 44 For you are the children of your father the Devil, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning and has always hated the truth. There is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies. 45 So when I tell the truth, you just naturally don’t believe me! 46 Which of you can truthfully accuse me of sin? And since I am telling you the truth, why don’t you believe me? 47 Anyone whose Father is God listens gladly to the words of God. Since you don’t, it proves you aren’t God’s children.”
The Evil One is always lying to us. He encourages us to shift the blame for our woes to someone else. “You only go around once so grab all the gusto you can” comes to us direct from the gates of Hell. Turn to the Lord. Ask Him to sort our your life. Ask Him to reveal your sin to you and then you confess that sin to Him. Jesus will forgive our sin and will indeed put us on the right path. “Jesus forgive me of my sin and guide me.” This is a simple powerful statement that will radically change your life.
11/28 John 8:33-38
33 “But we are descendants of Abraham,” they said. “We have never been slaves to anyone on earth. What do you mean, ‘set free’?” 34 Jesus replied, “I assure you that everyone who sins is a slave of sin. 35 A slave is not a permanent member of the family, but a son is part of the family forever. 36 So if the Son sets you free, you will indeed be free. 37 Yes, I realize that you are descendants of Abraham. And yet some of you are trying to kill me because my message does not find a place in your hearts. 38 I am telling you what I saw when I was with my Father. But you are following the advice of your father.”
Sin is devastating. Sin always tries to fool us, it’s not so bad, others do worse, etc. We all make excuses for our sin. Stop making excuses. Face the facts and ask Jesus to forgive your sin. Only Jesus can set us free.