Today's Good News

Category - Devotionals


04/17 Luke 23:12-20
Herod and Pilate, who had been enemies before, became friends that day. 13 Then Pilate called together the leading priests and other religious leaders, along with the people, 14 and he announced his verdict. “You brought this man to me, accusing him of leading a revolt. I have examined him thoroughly on this point in your presence and find him innocent 15 Herod came to the same conclusion and sent him back to us. Nothing this man has done calls for the death penalty. 16 So I will have him flogged, but then I will release him.” 17 18 Then a mighty roar rose from the crowd, and with one voice they shouted, “Kill him, and release Barabbas to us!” 19 (Barabbas was in prison for murder and for taking part in an insurrection in Jerusalem against the government. 20 Pilate argued with them, because he wanted to release Jesus.
The people aren’t always right. A group decision can be manipulated. Notice that the religious leaders handpicked this crowd. Jesus had done many miracles and had an extensive following by the masses. In this case the religious leaders were forcing the weak willed Pilate to murder an innocent man. There will be enough blood to taint all of us at the crucifixion. Jesus had surrendered to them and He knew what the end result would be. It was His time to save us from our sin.


04/16 Luke 23:1-11
Then the entire council took Jesus over to Pilate, the Roman governor. 2 They began at once to state their case: “This man has been leading our people to ruin by telling them not to pay their taxes to the Roman government and by claiming he is the Messiah, a king.” 3 So Pilate asked him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” Jesus replied, “Yes, it is as you say.” 4 Pilate turned to the leading priests and to the crowd and said, “I find nothing wrong with this man! 5 Then they became desperate. “But he is causing riots everywhere he goes, all over Judea, from Galilee to Jerusalem!” 6 “Oh, is he a Galilean?” Pilate asked. 7 When they answered that he was, Pilate sent him to Herod Antipas, because Galilee was under Herod’s jurisdiction, and Herod happened to be in Jerusalem at the time. 8 Herod was delighted at the opportunity to see Jesus, because he had heard about him and had been hoping for a long time to see him perform a miracle. 9 He asked Jesus question after question, but Jesus refused to answer. 10 Meanwhile, the leading priests and the teachers of religious law stood there shouting their accusations. 11 Now Herod and his soldiers began mocking and ridiculing Jesus. Then they put a royal robe on him and sent him back to Pilate.
The World hates Jesus, they don’t know what to do with Him. Jesus came so that we would not have to fear the world. Jesus is in-charge and He knows everything about His children. The Lord also knows everything about the World. Do not fear what man can do to you. Fear what the Lord can do. Tell everyone about Jesus and you will able to stand against the World.


04/15 Luke 20:17-19
Jesus looked at them and said, “Then what do the Scriptures mean? ‘The stone rejected by the builders has now become the cornerstone.’ 18 All who stumble over that stone will be broken to pieces, and it will crush anyone on whom it falls.” 19 When the teachers of religious law and the leading priests heard this story, they wanted to arrest Jesus immediately because they realized he was pointing at them — that they were the farmers in the story. But they were afraid there would be a riot if they arrested him.
Evil plots to destroy the work of Jesus. Evil blinds the eyes of people in the world. They do not see evil at work plotting to destroy Jesus and His work and them. Anytime someone is doing their own thing in opposition to the Lord they are simple doing evil things. Rejoice for evil will be swallowed up when Jesus returns in judgment. And we will no longer have to struggle so hard because we will see Him face to face.


04/14 Luke 20:9-16
Now Jesus turned to the people again and told them this story: “A man planted a vineyard, leased it out to tenant farmers, and moved to another country to live for several years. 10 At grape-picking time, he sent one of his servants to collect his share of the crop. But the farmers attacked the servant, beat him up, and sent him back empty-handed. 11 So the owner sent another servant, but the same thing happened; he was beaten up and treated shamefully, and he went away empty-handed. 12 A third man was sent and the same thing happened. He, too, was wounded and chased away. 13 “‘What will I do?’ the owner asked himself. ‘I know! I’ll send my cherished son. Surely they will respect him.’ 14 “But when the farmers saw his son, they said to each other, ‘Here comes the heir to this estate. Let’s kill him and get the estate for ourselves!’ 15 So they dragged him out of the vineyard and murdered him. “What do you suppose the owner of the vineyard will do to those farmers?” Jesus asked. 16 “I’ll tell you — he will come and kill them all and lease the vineyard to others.” “But God forbid that such a thing should ever happen,” his listeners protested.
Listen to the Lord as He speaks to you. Partial obedience is total disobedience. Make sure that what you are doing day by day are the things the Lord has called you to do. When your life is done is too late to fix what you are doing. Today is the time for reconciliation with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


04/13 Luke 20:1-8
One day as Jesus was teaching and preaching the Good News in the Temple, the leading priests and teachers of religious law and other leaders came up to him. 2 They demanded, “By whose authority did you drive out the merchants from the Temple? Who gave you such authority?” 3 “Let me ask you a question first,” he replied. 4 “Did John’s baptism come from heaven, or was it merely human?” 5 They talked it over among themselves. “If we say it was from heaven, he will ask why we didn’t believe him. 6 But if we say it was merely human, the people will stone us, because they are convinced he was a prophet.” 7 Finally they replied, “We don’t know.” 8 And Jesus responded, “Then I won’t answer your question either.”
Jesus knows everything about you and me. He is on our side. He seeks to guide us in the way we should go. If you will surrender you will to Him He will help you walk in the right way and to do those things that glorify the Father.


04/12 Luke 19:47-48
After that, he taught daily in the Temple, but the leading priests, the teachers of religious law, and the other leaders of the people began planning how to kill him. 48 But they could think of nothing, because all the people hung on every word he said.
The religious leaders of Israel wanted to kill Jesus. The Lord God had a time line for Jesus to live and die. It wasn’t His time yet but it would be time soon. When you are struggling to get it right remember that the powers and principalities of the air are striving against you to defeat you and stop the work the Lord is doing in and thru you. Serve the Lord with gladness and trust Him to handle those against us.


04/11 Luke 19:45-46
Then Jesus entered the Temple and began to drive out the merchants from their stalls. 46 He told them, “The Scriptures declare, ‘My Temple will be a place of prayer,’ but you have turned it into a den of thieves.”
Jesus is Lord and certainly able to condemn evil in the midst of His people. As you live your life Jesus will walk with you and guide you in the way you should go. He will not make you go the right way but you will know when you get off the right path. Surrender your will to Jesus and He will show you the right way you should go in your life’s path.


04/10 Luke 19:41-44
But as they came closer to Jerusalem and Jesus saw the city ahead, he began to cry. 42 “I wish that even today you would find the way of peace. But now it is too late, and peace is hidden from you. 43 Before long your enemies will build ramparts against your walls and encircle you and close in on you. 44 They will crush you to the ground, and your children with you. Your enemies will not leave a single stone in place, because you have rejected the opportunity God offered you.”
Have you rejected the Lord? Are you living the life you want or the life the Lord wants? Take stock of your heart and make sure you are following Jesus. Jesus is alive and is interceding for you.


04/09 Luke 19:38-40
“Bless the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in highest heaven!” 39 But some of the Pharisees among the crowd said, “Teacher, rebuke your followers for saying things like that!” 40 He replied, “If they kept quiet, the stones along the road would burst into cheers!”
I’ve stood at the place on the Mt of Olives where tradition says this happened. Everywhere you look there are rocks, thousands, and hundreds of thousands of rocks. If they had cried out all of Israel would have heard: Bless the King who comes in the name of the Lord. Peace in heaven and glory in highest heaven. Lord of Lords and king of kings for Jesus is the Lord.


04/08 Luke 19:35-37
So they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their garments over it for him to ride on. 36 Then the crowds spread out their coats on the road ahead of Jesus. 37 As they reached the place where the road started down from the Mount of Olives, all of his followers began to shout and sing as they walked along, praising God for all the wonderful miracles they had seen.
When I consider all the good the Lord has done for me I want to SHOUT. When I consider how much Jesus loves me I want to SHOUT. My Savior woke me up this morning and told me He was with me every second of my day it made me want to SHOUT. JESUS is Lord and He is Lord of me and that makes me want to SHOUT: Praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow. He is my King and Savior. Jesus is my everything.