04/07 Luke 19:28-34
After telling this story, Jesus went on toward Jerusalem, walking ahead of his disciples. 29 As they came to the towns of Bethphage and Bethany, on the Mount of Olives, he sent two disciples ahead. 30 “Go into that village over there,” he told them, “and as you enter it, you will see a colt tied there that has never been ridden. Untie it and bring it here. 31 If anyone asks what you are doing, just say, ‘The Lord needs it.'” 32 So they went and found the colt, just as Jesus had said. 33 And sure enough, as they were untying it, the owners asked them, “Why are you untying our colt?” 34 And the disciples simply replied, “The Lord needs it.”
The Lord knows everything about you. He knows the most intimate details of your life. Trust the Lord and obey Him because He loves you.
Category - Devotionals
04/06 Luke 19:20-27
“But the third servant brought back only the original amount of money and said, ‘I hid it and kept it safe. 21 I was afraid because you are a hard man to deal with, taking what isn’t yours and harvesting crops you didn’t plant.’ 22 “‘You wicked servant!’ the king roared. ‘Hard, am I? If you knew so much about me and how tough I am, 23 why didn’t you deposit the money in the bank so I could at least get some interest on it?’ 24 Then turning to the others standing nearby, the king ordered, ‘Take the money from this servant, and give it to the one who earned the most.’ 25 “‘But, master,’ they said, ‘that servant has enough already!’ 26 “‘Yes,’ the king replied, ‘but to those who use well what they are given, even more will be given. But from those who are unfaithful, even what little they have will be taken away. 27 And now about these enemies of mine who didn’t want me to be their king — bring them in and execute them right here in my presence.'”
Judgment is something we choose by our lack of obedience. My disobedience puts me in direct opposition to the Lord and His work. Today you purpose to obey the Lord. Do those things that will equip and enable you to obey the Lord. Do the next right thing.
04/05 Luke 19:12-19
He said, “A nobleman was called away to a distant empire to be crowned king and then return. 13 Before he left, he called together ten servants and gave them ten pounds of silver to invest for him while he was gone. 14 But his people hated him and sent a delegation after him to say they did not want him to be their king. 15 “When he returned, the king called in the servants to whom he had given the money. He wanted to find out what they had done with the money and what their profits were. 16 The first servant reported a tremendous gain — ten times as much as the original amount! 17 ‘Well done!’ the king exclaimed. ‘You are a trustworthy servant. You have been faithful with the little I entrusted to you, so you will be governor of ten cities as your reward.’ 18 “The next servant also reported a good gain — five times the original amount. 19 ‘Well done!’ the king said. ‘You can be governor over five cities.’
Start where you are and follow Jesus. Each day seek to do what you can do and to be an obedient servant of the Lord. You are unique and special to the Lord.
04/04 Luke 19:11
The crowd was listening to everything Jesus said. And because he was nearing Jerusalem, he told a story to correct the impression that the Kingdom of God would begin right away.
When is the Lord coming back? His return will be when we least expect it. Everything will be going on as usual-wars, hate, starvation, evil rampaging the world. Then without warning Christ will return to judge mankind. Are you ready for when? If you aren’t then please start preparing. We don’t know the day or hour but we do know that His return is a certainty.
04/03 Luke 19:8-10
Meanwhile, Zacchaeus stood there and said to the Lord, “I will give half my wealth to the poor, Lord, and if I have overcharged people on their taxes, I will give them back four times as much!” 9 Jesus responded, “Salvation has come to this home today, for this man has shown himself to be a son of Abraham. 10 And I, the Son of Man, have come to seek and save those like him who are lost.”
Jesus saves. He saves us from being dead in our trespasses and sin, consigned to an existence to horrid to contemplate, to new life in Jesus. The Lord gives us the breath of life and light for living. No longer are we at the mercy of the world we are in the family of God.
04/02 Luke 19:6-7
Zacchaeus quickly climbed down and took Jesus to his house in great excitement and joy. 7 But the crowds were displeased. “He has gone to be the guest of a notorious sinner,” they grumbled.
Christ changes us. When we surrender our life to Him He gives us a new heart and puts us on a new path for out life.
04/01 Luke 19:1-5
Jesus entered Jericho and made his way through the town. 2 There was a man there named Zacchaeus. He was one of the most influential Jews in the Roman tax-collecting business, and he had become very rich. 3 He tried to get a look at Jesus, but he was too short to see over the crowds. 4 So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree beside the road, so he could watch from there. 5 When Jesus came by, he looked up at Zacchaeus and called him by name. “Zacchaeus!” he said. “Quick, come down! For I must be a guest in your home today.”
Jesus knew what was going on around Him. The Father guided His every step. The Lord will guide you and even when you don’t know what is going on around you, you can be confident that the Lord does and He will guide you!
03/31 Luke 18:31
Gathering the twelve disciples around him, Jesus told them, “As you know, we are going to Jerusalem. And when we get there, all the predictions of the ancient prophets concerning the Son of Man will come true. 32 He will be handed over to the Romans to be mocked, treated shamefully, and spit upon. 33 They will whip him and kill him, but on the third day he will rise again.” 34 But they didn’t understand a thing he said. Its significance was hidden from them, and they failed to grasp what he was talking about. 35 As they approached Jericho, a blind beggar was sitting beside the road. 36 When he heard the noise of a crowd going past, he asked what was happening. 37 They told him that Jesus of Nazareth was going by. 38 So he began shouting, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” 39 The crowds ahead of Jesus tried to hush the man, but he only shouted louder, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” 40 When Jesus heard him, he stopped and ordered that the man be brought to him. 41 Then Jesus asked the man, “What do you want me to do for you?” “Lord,” he pleaded, “I want to see!” 42 And Jesus said, “All right, you can see! Your faith has healed you.” 43 Instantly the man could see, and he followed Jesus, praising God. And all who saw it praised God, too.
It is difficult for us to handle the truth. The truth is we want our bias on the things we believe and say and do. The real truth is that partial obedience is complete disobedience. Jesus showed us that He was God. He proved to us His immeasurable love. We are without excuse: Jesus is Lord therefore we are charged with the responsibility to believe in Him. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and He will save you. That is the truth.
03/30 Luke 18:18-30
Once a religious leader asked Jesus this question: “Good teacher, what should I do to get eternal life?” 19 “Why do you call me good?” Jesus asked him. “Only God is truly good. 20 But as for your question, you know the commandments: ‘Do not commit adultery. Do not murder. Do not steal. Do not testify falsely. Honor your father and mother.’ ” 21 The man replied, “I’ve obeyed all these commandments since I was a child.” 22 “There is still one thing you lack,” Jesus said. “Sell all you have and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” 23 But when the man heard this, he became sad because he was very rich. 24 Jesus watched him go and then said to his disciples, “How hard it is for rich people to get into the Kingdom of God! 25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!” 26 Those who heard this said, “Then who in the world can be saved?” 27 He replied, “What is impossible from a human perspective is possible with God.” 28 Peter said, “We have left our homes and followed you.” 29 “Yes,” Jesus replied, “and I assure you, everyone who has given up house or wife or brothers or parents or children, for the sake of the Kingdom of God, 30 will be repaid many times over in this life, as well as receiving eternal life in the world to come.”
When we serve self we are floundering in sin. New life in Christ is a free gift from the Lord. We cannot buy it nor can we earn it only Jesus can give it to us. Seek the Lord and follow Him. Jesus is Lord.
03/29 Luke 18:15-17
One day some parents brought their little children to Jesus so he could touch them and bless them, but the disciples told them not to bother him. 16 Then Jesus called for the children and said to the disciples, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 17 I assure you, anyone who doesn’t have their kind of faith will never get into the Kingdom of God.”
We are called to pray like a child and plan like an adult. As you get before the Lord remember that you are desperately in need of His wisdom, mercy, grace and understanding. He knows what is going on and will guide us in all that we do. Rejoice in the Lord for He is good.