Today's Good News

Category - Devotionals


8/18 Acts 17:28-29
28 For in him we live and move and exist. As one of your own poets says, ‘We are his offspring.’ 29 And since this is true, we shouldn’t think of God as an idol designed by craftsmen from gold or silver or stone.
Christ is all. He is everything we need to lead a Christ centered life. We don’t have to go anywhere else. Jesus is God’s everything.


8/17 Acts 17:24-27
24 “He is the God who made the world and everything in it. Since he is Lord of heaven and earth, he doesn’t live in man-made temples, 25 and human hands can’t serve his needs — for he has no needs. He himself gives life and breath to everything, and he satisfies every need there is. 26 From one man he created all the nations throughout the whole earth. He decided beforehand which should rise and fall, and he determined their boundaries. 27 “His purpose in all of this was that the nations should seek after God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him — though he is not far from any one of us.
The Lord is near and will never desert us. He is our Savior. He is our righteousness. In Jesus we have access to the Father. Christ sent us


8/16 Acts 17:22-23
22 So Paul, standing before the Council, addressed them as follows: “Men of Athens, I notice that you are very religious, 23 for as I was walking along I saw your many altars. And one of them had this inscription on it — ‘To an Unknown God.’ You have been worshiping him without knowing who he is, and now I wish to tell you about him.
We know God because Jesus has revealed Him to us. He is the exact image of the Father and enables us to know Him. Jesus is Lord and He seeks to engage us in His capacity as Savior. He sought us out. He holds us forever. Jesus is Lord of all.


8/15 Acts 17:18-21
18 He also had a debate with some of the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers. When he told them about Jesus and his resurrection, they said, “This babbler has picked up some strange ideas.” Others said, “He’s pushing some foreign religion.” 19 Then they took him to the Council of Philosophers. “Come and tell us more about this new religion,” they said. 20 “You are saying some rather startling things, and we want to know what it’s all about.” 21 (It should be explained that all the Athenians as well as the foreigners in Athens seemed to spend all their time discussing the latest ideas.)
Christianity is not a religion, it is belief in the Lord Jesus Christ. We do not proclaim an idea, we proclaim Christ as Lord. He is seated at the right hand of the Father interceding for us right now. We believe in Jesus and He is alive.


8/14 Acts 17:16-17
16 While Paul was waiting for them in Athens, he was deeply troubled by all the idols he saw everywhere in the city. 17 He went to the synagogue to debate with the Jews and the God-fearing Gentiles, and he spoke daily in the public square to all who happened to be there.
The Lord will give us wisdom as we seek to proclaim Christ and wisdom as we seek to live like Jesus. People count with the Lord. He is concerned that we care for others especially those that treat us badly. Tell everyone you know that Jesus is Lord.


8/13 Acts 17:12-15
12 As a result, many Jews believed, as did some of the prominent Greek women and many men. 13 But when some Jews in Thessalonica learned that Paul was preaching the word of God in Berea, they went there and stirred up trouble. 14 The believers acted at once, sending Paul on to the coast, while Silas and Timothy remained behind. 15 Those escorting Paul went with him to Athens; then they returned to Berea with a message for Silas and Timothy to hurry and join him.
The world is filled with hate and is against our proclaiming Christ as Lord. You will get push back from non-believers. In fact there are some who will seek to stop us proclaiming Jesus as the Good News of God by claiming that we are turning the world upside down. Jesus is Lord. You can believe that.


8/12 Acts 17:8-11
8 The people of the city, as well as the city officials, were thrown into turmoil by these reports. 9 But the officials released Jason and the other believers after they had posted bail. 10 That very night the believers sent Paul and Silas to Berea. When they arrived there, they went to the synagogue. 11 And the people of Berea were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, and they listened eagerly to Paul’s message. They searched the Scriptures day after day to check up on Paul and Silas, to see if they were really teaching the truth.
Listen to the Lord as you read His Word. The Holy Spirit will open your heart and mind and equip you to hear what the Lord is saying to you. We struggle in this “veil of tears” but the Lord is faithful and will be with us as we live our life. Rejoice for the Lord loves you.


8/11 Acts 17:4-7
4 Some who listened were persuaded and became converts, including a large number of godly Greek men and also many important women of the city. 5 But the Jewish leaders were jealous, so they gathered some worthless fellows from the streets to form a mob and start a riot. They attacked the home of Jason, searching for Paul and Silas so they could drag them out to the crowd. 6 Not finding them there, they dragged out Jason and some of the other believers instead and took them before the city council. “Paul and Silas have turned the rest of the world upside down, and now they are here disturbing our city,” they shouted. 7 “And Jason has let them into his home. They are all guilty of treason against Caesar, for they profess allegiance to another king, Jesus.”
Jesus is the THE KING. Creator God, Son of God, Righteousness of God Jesus is the way the truth and life. He gives us new life and breathes into our life spiritual growth, insight, and a relationship with God the Father and the Holy Spirit. Following Jesus leads us to real life. Jesus is Lord.


8/10 Acts 17:1-3
1 Now Paul and Silas traveled through the towns of Amphipolis and Apollonia and came to Thessalonica, where there was a Jewish synagogue. 2 As was Paul’s custom, he went to the synagogue service, and for three Sabbaths in a row he interpreted the Scriptures to the people. 3 He was explaining and proving the prophecies about the sufferings of the Messiah and his rising from the dead. He said, “This Jesus I’m telling you about is the Messiah.”
Jesus is the Son of God. We start with Jesus, we grow in Jesus and we stay with Jesus forever. We never have to go outside Jesus for spiritual growth. Jesus is the only way to the Father. He is God’s everything.


8/09 1 Thessalonians 5:24-28
24 God, who calls you, is faithful; he will do this. 25 Dear brothers and sisters, pray for us. 26 Greet all the brothers and sisters in Christian love. 27 I command you in the name of the Lord to read this letter to all the brothers and sisters. 28 And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with all of you.
The Lord is interested in your life. Nothing gets by Him. Spend time with Jesus and He will equip you to face the day. When you day gets out of kilter simply go back to Jesus and ask Him to see you through. He will.