02/02 Psalm 5:3
Listen to my voice in the morning, LORD. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly.
The Lord God Almighty is here with us. He is waiting for us to get settled and give Him our full attention. Begin with praise, our Lord is worthy of all our praise. Our praise will lead us into repentance, Lord forgive me and list those things you need to erase and change your ways. We are sinful people and desperately need the Lord’s cleansing. As you listen to the Father and the Lord Jesus, give Them time to respond. The Holy Spirit will move you to an awareness of their communication and you will be able to begin the process of asking them about your needs and other’s needs. Pray to the Lord with confidence knowing He will answer your prayer requests. And then before you leave His presence yield your heart, your mind and soul to Him with commitment to do His will today, all day. PRAY!