02/28 Colossians 1:16
“All things were created through him and for him.”
• Jesus is the author and purpose of all creation.
• Our lives find meaning in alignment with Him.
• His sovereignty assures us that His plan is perfect.
• Living for Him fulfills our deepest purpose.
• Trusting His plan glorifies Him and satisfies us.
These verses collectively remind us of God’s sovereignty, presence, comfort, and plans. They call us to trust in Him in every circumstance.
“All Things Through Him”
(Inspired by Colossians 1:16)
Before the first breath of creation,
before light touched the void,
before time began its rhythm,
He was.
Through Him, the heavens stretched wide,
the earth took form,
the stars found their place,
and life began to sing.
The seen and the unseen,
the mountains that rise,
the winds that move unseen,
all made by His hand.
Kings rise and kingdoms fall,
thrones built and thrones broken,
yet all bow beneath
the One who reigns forever.
The rulers of the earth,
the powers beyond sight,
the wisdom of men,
none stand apart from Him.
He is not held by time,
not bound by limits,
not shaped by hands,
but all things are shaped through Him.
Nothing exists without Him,
nothing holds together apart from Him,
nothing finds purpose outside of Him,
for He is before all things.
The breath in our lungs,
the path beneath our feet,
the sun that rises,
all belong to Him.
Not one thing was made in vain,
not one life is unseen,
all were formed by His wisdom,
for His glory alone.
Through Him, for Him, in Him—
all things hold together,
all things find meaning,
all things return to Him.