02/27 Matthew 13:33-36
33 Jesus also used this illustration: “The Kingdom of Heaven is like the yeast a woman used in making bread. Even though she put only a little yeast in three measures of flour, it permeated every part of the dough.” 34 Jesus always used stories and illustrations like these when speaking to the crowds. In fact, he never spoke to them without using such parables. 35 This fulfilled what God had spoken through the prophet: “I will speak to you in parables. I will explain things hidden since the creation of the world. ” 36Then, leaving the crowds outside, Jesus went into the house. His disciples said, “Please explain to us the story of the weeds in the field.”
The Holy Spirit will indwell us and fill us with all that we need to know. When we ask Jesus to come into our life He is faithful and righteous to make sure that we know all about the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We will never be alone when we have Jesus.