06/07 Colossians 1:11-12
11 We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy, 12 always thanking the Father. He has enabled you to share in the inheritance that belongs to his people, who live in the light.
We spend time with Jesus, we read God’s Word and we grow in Christ. As we grow in Christ we are equipped to deal with our fears and anxieties. He will fill us with His peace, He will fill us to overflowing with His joy and we will not fear the present or future. We will be able to stand in the hour of temptation and focus on what Jesus is telling us. Obey Him. Spend time with Him. Get to know Him better and your life will be a constant overflowing of His love and concern for those around you. He will use you as His hands and feet. Jesus is Lord.