03/19 Matthew 5:33-37
“Again, you have heard that the law of Moses says, ‘Do not break your vows; you must carry out the vows you have made to the Lord.’ 34 But I say, don’t make any vows! If you say, ‘By heaven!’ it is a sacred vow because heaven is God’s throne. 35 And if you say, ‘By the earth!’ it is a sacred vow because the earth is his footstool. And don’t swear, ‘By Jerusalem!’ for Jerusalem is the city of the great King. 36 Don’t even swear, ‘By my head!’ for you can’t turn one hair white or black. 37 Just say a simple, ‘Yes, I will,’ or ‘No, I won’t.’ Your word is enough. To strengthen your promise with a vow shows that something is wrong.
No oath. Our life is to be lived in such a way that people know that our yes is yes and our no is no. Anything needed beyond this is because evil is around. Jesus calls for honesty without the oath. Swearing is unnecessary, irreverent and ineffective. Speak and live with honesty.