Today's Good News

OCT. 2 – 1 COR. 2:1-5

10/02          1 Corinthians 2:1-5

When I first came to you, dear brothers and sisters,[a] I didn’t use lofty words and impressive wisdom to tell you God’s secret plan.[b] 2 For I decided that while I was with you I would forget everything except Jesus Christ, the one who was crucified. 3 I came to you in weakness—timid and trembling. 4 And my message and my preaching were very plain. Rather than using clever and persuasive speeches, I relied only on the power of the Holy Spirit. 5 I did this so you would trust not in human wisdom but in the power of God.


Trust Jesus. 

Trust His Word.

Believe in the activity of the Holy Spirit in you and call upon Him. 

Let Jesus guide you.

Learn to pray to Him and study His Word – the Bible. 

The power of God will be evident in your life.

Trust in the Lord and in His power to lead, guide and direct your life. 

He will. 

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Clay Corvin

Clay Corvin is currently a Bible Teacher and occasional preacher at Bethel Community Baptist Church in New Orleans. He is the retired VP Business and Professor of Admin at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary after completing 38 years as their Business Administrator. He was the pastor at the Brantley Baptist Center for twenty-five years. He is married to Carol Corvin and the father of three children and has three grandchildren. He ministers today as Co-pastor of the Bethel Community Baptist Church and seeks to share the Gospel with everyone. Jesus is Lord!