Today's Good News


03/25               Acts 1:8

8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” 


We are called to share this great thing the Lord has done in our life.  He has saved us from our sin.  No longer are we slaves to sin but we are a member of God’s household.  The Lord rejoices in giving us His strength. 


We have two groups going on pilgrimage to Israel beginning 3/12/18 to 3/31/18 and a small group traveling on pilgrimage in Italy 3/14-24/18.  Please pray for our pilgrims.

Thank you so very much.  God bless you.




03/24               Zechariah 4:6

6 Then he said to me, “This is what the LORD says to Zerubbabel: It is not by force nor by strength, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies. 


The Holy Spirit is actively involved in our life moment by moment.  We are always in the presence of God.  We need to remember that and live like that.  The Lord is here with us. 


We have two groups going on pilgrimage to Israel beginning 3/12/18 to 3/31/18 and a small group traveling on pilgrimage in Italy 3/14-24/18.  Please pray for our pilgrims.

Thank you so very much.  God bless you.




03/23               Jeremiah 32:7

7 “Your cousin Hanamel son of Shallum will come and say to you, ‘Buy my field at Anathoth. By law you have the right to buy it before it is offered to anyone else.’” 


Trust in the Lord.  Trust him for the things you and the things that you see only by faith.  Trust in the Lord for he is trustworthy.  He is Lord. 


We have two groups going on pilgrimage to Israel beginning 3/12/18 to 3/31/18 and a small group traveling on pilgrimage in Italy 3/14-24/18.  Please pray for our pilgrims.

Thank you so very much.  God bless you.




03/22               Isaiah 25:4

4 In that wonderful day you will sing: “Thank the LORD ! Praise his name! Tell the nations what he has done. Let them know how mighty he is! 


Praise the Lord with your testimony of what great things he has done in your life.  Praise the Lord with you attitude of gratitude.  Praise the Lord. 


We have two groups going on pilgrimage to Israel beginning 3/12/18 to 3/31/18 and a small group traveling on pilgrimage in Italy 3/14-24/18.  Please pray for our pilgrims.

Thank you so very much.  God bless you.




03/21               Isaiah 12:2

2 See, God has come to save me. I will trust in him and not be afraid. The LORD GOD is my strength and my song; he has given me victory.” 


I have victory in Jesus.  He gives me victory in life and victory in death for I will be with Him forever and ever and every-eternally.  Jesus gives me courage and strength and equips me to walk in the Godly path. 


We have two groups going on pilgrimage to Israel beginning 3/12/18 to 3/31/18 and a small group traveling on pilgrimage in Italy 3/14-24/18.  Please pray for our pilgrims.

Thank you so very much.  God bless you.



03/20               Psalm 18:32

32 God arms me with strength, and he makes my way perfect. 


Jesus equips me to live one day at a time.  Today His grace is sufficient and each day His grace arrives exactly on time.  I live my life with the knowledge that Jesus will always be with me and that He will always love me-forever. 


We have two groups going on pilgrimage to Israel beginning 3/12/18 to 3/31/18 and a small group traveling on pilgrimage in Italy 3/14-24/18.  Please pray for our pilgrims.

Thank you so very much.  God bless you.




03/19               Psalm 18:1-2

1 I love you, LORD ; you are my strength. 2 The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.


Jesus is my power.  In Him I live and breathe and move.  Jesus loves me.  He gives me real life so that today no matter my situation I can declare that Jesus is Lord and He loves me. 


We have two groups going on pilgrimage to Israel beginning 3/12/18 to 3/31/18 and a small group traveling on pilgrimage in Italy 3/14-24/18.  Please pray for our pilgrims.

Thank you so very much.  God bless you.




03/18               Psalm 8:2

2 You have taught children and infants to tell of your strength, silencing your enemies and all who oppose you. 


The Lord is my strength.  He guides me in all that I do day by day.  He teaches me what I should do and guides me while I am doing it.  The Lord rejoices when I use His strength. 


We have two groups going on pilgrimage to Israel beginning 3/12/18 to 3/31/18 and a small group traveling on pilgrimage in Italy 3/14-24/18.  Please pray for our pilgrims.

Thank you so very much.  God bless you.




03/17               2 Timothy 1:7

7For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. 


Life is a gift.  The Lord gifts us with His presence and His power for daily living.  I have everything I need in Jesus.  He is life. 


We have two groups going on pilgrimage to Israel beginning 3/12/18 to 3/31/18 and a small group traveling on pilgrimage in Italy 3/14-24/18.  Please pray for our pilgrims.

Thank you so very much.  God bless you.




03/16               Philippians 4:13

13 For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. 


My life in Christ is a life of joy and peace.  Oh, there may be difficulties and disappointments aplenty, but I will have the life of Christ in me.  Jesus gives me the strength to live a Godly life. 


We have two groups going on pilgrimage to Israel beginning 3/12/18 to 3/31/18 and a small group traveling on pilgrimage in Italy 3/14-24/18.  Please pray for our pilgrims.

Thank you so very much.  God bless you.