Today's Good News

MAR. 21 – 1 TIM. 4:4-5

3/21            1 TIMOTHY 4:4-5

Since everything God created is good, we should not reject any of it but receive it with thanks. For we know it is made acceptable[a] by the word of God and prayer.


Pray about everything.

God is in control.

Let Him have control of you.

Daily Thought:
Today is Wednesday. I’m grateful for the presence of the Lord. He is truly our Father.
Let Him have your devotion and your heart. Jesus loves you.

MAR. 20 – ROM. 5:1

3/20            ROMANS 5:1

Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace[a] with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.


Jesus Christ made us right in God’s sight.

It was a free gift of God that we receive by faith.

The Peace of Christ rules where the Word of Christ dwells. 

MAR. 19 – PS. 28:7

3/19            PSALM 28:7

The Lord is my strength and shield.
    I trust him with all my heart.
He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy.
    I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.


He is my Lord.

He is my strength and shield.

I trust Him. 

My heart is filled with joy.

His presence causes me to burst out in songs of thanksgiving. 

MAR. 18 – PS. 94:22-23

3/18            PSALM 94:22-23

22 But the Lord is my fortress;
    my God is the mighty rock where I hide.
23 God will turn the sins of evil people back on them.
    He will destroy them for their sins.
    The Lord our God will destroy them.


Choose the Lord. 

He is a mighty rock where we may hide when things get rough.

Choose the Lord.

He will protect you from evil.

Choose the Lord.

One day the wicked oppressing you will be no more. 

Choose the Lord.

He is the way, the truth, and the light. 

Jesus Christ is Lord. 

MAR. 17 – JOHN 3:16

3/17            JOHN 3:16

16 “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.              


God made a way for us to be saved. 

It is a gift-our free choice.

Choose Jesus. 

God loves you.

MAR. 16 – 1 THESS. 5:18

3/16            1 THESSALONIANS 5:18

18 Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.


We are secure in Jesus.

Whatever happens the Lord will never let us go.

His every thought for us is a thought for good. 

Therefore, whatever happens, the end result will be for good. 

Trust in the Lord and in the security of our relationship with HIM. 

MAR. 15 – 1 CHRON. 16:34

3/15            1 CHRONICLES 16:34

34 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good!
    His faithful love endures forever.


God is forever.

Our soul is forever.

We choose to be with God-He gives us that choice.

The Lord is good!

Choose to be with Him-Believe in Jesus. 

MAR. 14 – MT. 6:25

3/14            MATTHEW 6:25

25 “That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing?


We are valuable to the Lord.

He created us for a good work.

We are His representative here on earth. 

We follow Him.

He is with us all the time.

He demonstrated His love for us in Jesus Christ. 

Do not worry, God is for you. 

MAR. 13 – ISAIAH 40:31

3/13            ISAIAH 40:31

31 But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.
    They will soar high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
    They will walk and not faint.


Trust in the Lord.

In the chaos of life you will find new strength.

When you are hurting and facing defeat, God will make a way.

The race will get old, but God will renew your strength.

You will be able to live life by His direction.

Trust in the Lord. 

MAR. 12 – PSALM 23:4

3/12            PSALM 23:4

4 Even when I walk
    through the darkest valley,[a]
I will not be afraid,
    for you are close beside me.
Your rod and your staff
    protect and comfort me.


If you are a child of God, He is here.

When you do bad, God is here.

When you fail, God is here.

When you succeed, God is here. 

When you do good, God is here.

God is here with you always and forever.

You cannot do anything that will make God go away. 

That kinks up a lot of theology doesn’t it. 

When you come into God’s family, He is always with you.