Today's Good News


6/20 Proverbs 3:30-32
Don’t make accusations against someone who hasn’t wronged you. 31 Do not envy violent people; don’t copy their ways. 32 Such wicked people are an abomination to the LORD, but he offers his friendship to the godly.
Know Jesus and follow Him. He will give you the right words to say. Christ will equip you to deal with people in the real world. People count with Jesus. He will equip you to make people count with you. Open your heart to the Lord and He will show you how to live.


6/19 Proverbs 3:27-29
Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it’s in your power to help them. 28 If you can help your neighbor now, don’t say, “Come back tomorrow, and then I’ll help you.” 29 Do not plot against your neighbors, for they trust you.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Treat people as valuable. Respect others and do well by them.


6/18 Proverbs 3:18-26
Wisdom is a tree of life to those who embrace her; happy are those who hold her tightly. 19 By wisdom the LORD founded the earth; by understanding he established the heavens. 20 By his knowledge the deep fountains of the earth burst forth, and the clouds poured down rain. 21 My child, don’t lose sight of good planning and insight. Hang on to them, 22 for they fill you with life and bring you honor and respect. 23 They keep you safe on your way and keep your feet from stumbling. 24 You can lie down without fear and enjoy pleasant dreams. 25 You need not be afraid of disaster or the destruction that comes upon the wicked, 26 for the LORD is your security. He will keep your foot from being caught in a trap.
The world is a dark and chaotic place. We need light and life from the Lord Jesus. He will change our world from a dark place to a place of wisdom, peace, light and life. Seek to know Jesus. In Christ is the wisdom we need for daily living and eternal life.


6/17 Proverbs 3:13
Happy is the person who finds wisdom and gains understanding. 14 For the profit of wisdom is better than silver, and her wages are better than gold. 15 Wisdom is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. 16 She offers you life in her right hand, and riches and honor in her left. 17 She will guide you down delightful paths; all her ways are satisfying.
We are looking for wisdom. Each day we are searching for that thing that will equip, enable and endure. Our life benefits presently and in the future by our acquisition of wisdom. Jesus teaches us wisdom as we seek to know Him better. Seek the Lord with all your heart and you will acquire wisdom for living.


6/16 Proverbs 3:11-12
My child, don’t ignore it when the LORD disciplines you, and don’t be discouraged when he corrects you. 12 For the LORD corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights.
Each one of us faces serious challenges in our life and these challenges seek to derail our growth in Christ. We need to change and grow. Discipline enables us to move beyond obstacles and equips us to grow in the Lord.


6/15 Proverbs 3:9-10
Honor the LORD with your wealth and with the best part of everything your land produces. 10 Then he will fill your barns with grain, and your vats will overflow with the finest wine.
We need to give. We give because it is Godly to do so and the Lord encourages us to bless those we come in contact with. We are to give our time, our money and our resources. One thing that we know, the Lord has called us to give because it is evidence of our trust in Him. We bless others and the Lord blesses us. You can’t out-give the Lord.


6/14 Proverbs 3:7-8
Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, fear the LORD and turn your back on evil. 8 Then you will gain renewed health and vitality.
Make sure that you are being obedient to the Lord and following Him. Walk away from evil. Let Jesus direct you and protect your heart.


6/13 Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. 6 Seek his will in all you do, and he will direct your paths.
Obedience is the pathway to service. If I am obedient to what the Lord calls me to do He will direct my path and see me thru. We do not have to fear anything when the Lord is in charge


6/12 Proverbs 3:3-4
Never let loyalty and kindness get away from you! Wear them like a necklace; write them deep within your heart. 4 Then you will find favor with both God and people, and you will gain a good reputation.
Be kind to the people you live with and meet. You never know when that kindness will be the one thing that saves you in the midst of difficulty. Learn that all people are valuable. When you are taking care of people you are doing what the Lord Jesus calls us to do.


6/11 Proverbs 3: 1-2
My child, never forget the things I have taught you. Store my commands in your heart, 2 for they will give you a long and satisfying life.
Remember what the Lord says. His Words are the key to life. Remember what He says to you, claim His promises and live your life the way Jesus calls you to live.