9/4 Psalm 10:6-7
They say to themselves, “Nothing bad will ever happen to us! We will be free of trouble forever!” Their mouths are full of cursing, lies, and threats. Trouble and evil are on the tips of their tongues.
This is a true terminal illness. To ignore God and live as if He doesn’t exist is the very worst kind of blindness. Woe is the person that goes through this veil of tears without knowing the Lord. Seek the Lord. Wicked people repent and let the Lord have His way with you. It is a terrible thing to face death alone. To live day by day without the Lord is a horrible tragedy. Seek the Lord.
9/3 Psalm 10:4-5
These wicked people are too proud to seek God. They seem to think that God is dead. Yet they succeed in everything they do. They do not see your punishment awaiting them. They pour scorn on all their enemies.
Pride blinds us to reality. It destroys our wisdom and blackens our soul. Pride is the proud workman of evil. Where pride reigns destruction flourishes. Seek God. Set aside your pride. Give all honor and glory to God and ask Him to let you see your pride and destroy it. Do it quickly for there is no time. Life is fast and death is quick. Seek the Lord while He may be found.
9/2 Psalm 10:3
For they brag about their evil desires; they praise the greedy and curse the LORD.
Only foolish people go against God. He is eternal. They are like grass in the sun, for a moment it is lush and green then it turns brown and dies. Evil blinds a person from knowing God. Evil seeks to destroy the individual. Foolish is the person who declares there is no God and even worse when they live as if there was no God. The Lord is alive and He lives this very moment.
9/1 Psalm 10:1-2
O LORD, why do you stand so far away? Why do you hide when I need you the most? Proud and wicked people viciously oppress the poor. Let them be caught in the evil they plan for others.
Lord help me to recognize my position-without Christ I am one of those evil people. Cleanse me of sin. Remind me of my pride. Prod me to help the poor. Do not let me plan evil against another person. I am in your debt Lord for all of the good and glorious things you do for me. Help me to grow in grace and respond to others with a good attitude.
8/31 Colossians 2:22-23
Such rules are mere human teaching about things that are gone as soon as we use them. These rules may seem wise because they require strong devotion, humility, and severe bodily discipline. But they have no effect when it comes to conquering a person’s evil thoughts and desires.
We are the repositories of all of our sin. Our mind seeks its own way. We cause our own problems. My sin is greater than all of the sin the world throws at me. Only when Jesus takes control of my life do I have a chance to deal with the sin in my life. My sin is pride, self-centeredness, seeking to take God’s place in my heart and refusing to walk God’s way. When Jesus forgives me for my sin I have a choice to make. Will I let the Lord control me or will I surrender control of my life and let Jesus have control of my?
8/30 Colossians 2:20-21
You have died with Christ, and he has set you free from the evil powers of this world. So why do you keep on following rules of the world, such as, “Don’t handle, don’t eat, don’t touch.”
Believe in Jesus and you will be part of God’s Family. Christ is all and in all and He will set you free. Free from foolishness, free from fables and unchain us from slavery to our sin. The Christ life is freedom from don’t and a call to do.
8/29 Colossians 2:19
But they are not connected to Christ, the head of the body. For we are joined together in his body by his strong sinews, and we grow only as we get our nourishment and strength from God.
Salvation in Christ is a free gift from God. All, any, each of us come to Christ the same way: He offers forgiveness of our sin and reconciliation through His blood. We are cleansed from unrighteousness and share His righteousness. We are free in Christ and have access to the Father. We are members of the Family of God. Alive in Christ we are raised to maturity day by day by the development of our relationship with Jesus. Jesus is Lord and He will lead us by the hand to maturity. Without Jesus we can do nothing. With Jesus we can do all things in Him.
8/28 Colossians 2:18
Don’t let anyone condemn you by insisting on self-denial. And don’t let anyone say you must worship angels, even though they say they have had visions about this. These people claim to be so humble, but their sinful minds have made them proud.
Pride says I can do this. Pride ignores the future and blocks out the past. Pride declares, “I am the captain of my fate.” We do not have the ability to control our world. The world deals us harsh rewards for living. In Christ we become a part of the family of God. We are part of His work in the world. Our future belongs to God. Our past is cleansed by the work Jesus did on the cross. We are free in Christ and He equips us to face the uncertainty of the world.
8/27 Colossians 2:16-17
So don’t let anyone condemn you for what you eat or drink, or for not celebrating certain holy days or new-moon ceremonies or Sabbaths. For these rules were only shadows of the real thing, Christ himself.
Jesus Christ is the focus of a Christian. We pattern our life after His life. We read God’s Word and apply that to our life. Jesus is the reason we can grow day by day in a Christ like walk.
8/26 Colossians 2:13-15
You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ. He forgave all our sins. He canceled the record that contained the charges against us. He took it and destroyed it by nailing it to Christ’s cross. In this way, God disarmed the evil rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross of Christ.
The cross event displayed God’s wonderful work in Christ. He forgave my sin. He brought me into His family. He made me and us alive in Christ. His forgiveness of my sin, a free gift from the Father, gives me and us access to Him through Christ. Jesus death, burial and resurrection destroyed the ability of evil to control me for I have been born again. Have you asked Jesus into your heart?