Today's Good News

October 1998

10/1/98 Exodus 20:20
God is God. You aren’t. We should look at the way we are making decisions and running our lives. Is God first? Do you consult Him before or after you make your decision? Fear God first and stop sinning.

10/2/98 Leviticus 25:17
We respect God by respecting each other. Anyone who says, “I am in the light” but rejects another is still in darkness. Christ died for you when you were still dead in your trespasses and sin. We should love as He loved. Praise the Lord Jesus, our Savior.

10/3-4/98 Deuteronomy 6:24
Obedience is required for a growing relationship with the Lord. He wants us to know Him. We climb the steps of that relationship by consistently doing what He tells us to do. Our hearts learn peace our lives reflect the Lord’s mercy. Bless you today with peace and mercy in Jesus Name.

10/5/98 Deuteronomy 7:19
Keep a spiritual diary. Record the miracles that God works in your life. List answered prayers. Remember them. Reflect upon God’s great work in your life when times get rough. He is there. Satan cannot defeat you for you are the beloved child of God. The Holy Spirit is working victory in your life right now. Jesus is Lord.

10/6/98 Deuteronomy 10:12
One mind, one heart, one focus is the Lord’s call. Be His and care for no other. The Lord doesn’t wait in our decision line. Concentrate on Him. Respect, follow, love, worship and obey Him for the Lord is the only way. Call on Him today, Lord help me to follow you, in Jesus name.

10/7/98 1 Samuel 12:24
We can thank God each day we live for the breath of life. All that we are is a gift from Him. The Lord created us for good and wants to give us good things. Think on this. Search your heart for those good gifts that the Lord has for you and has given you. He leads us each day in victory over our sin. Bless the name of the Lord.

10/8/98 2 Chronicles 19:7
We each have friends that we care for a lot. When they disappoint us, we get our feelings hurt. Sometimes we judge them based on our hurt and not their actions. God is not like that. He is just and fair. He is fully informed of all the circumstances. Be careful when you judge a friend. Deal with them with love the way the Lord deals with you.

10/9/98 2 Chronicles 26:5
The Lord is not fooled by what we say. He knows our hearts. We should seek His council and advise in all of our activities. He is the Lord and there is no other. Only by looking to Him for our decisions do we have access to wisdom.

10/10-11/98 Psalm 25:14
When we fear the Lord, we are recognizing His attributes. He is holy, almighty, righteous, pure, all knowing, all-powerful, and all wise. Friendship with the Lord is reserved for those who fear Him. We grow in our fear of the Lord by reading His Word and spending time with Him. Please, spend time with the Lord today so that you can stand in the face of tomorrow’s trial.

10/12/98 Psalms 23:4
Death is an unbeatable foe. Neither you nor I can struggle against the cold finality of death. Only the Lord Jesus can make a difference when we face life’s final journey. He is the God of Life, our shepherd. He changes the uncertainty of life to certainty. His comfort is eternal.

10/13/98 Psalms 27:1
Has your life become a dark night? Is life closing in around you with no light in sight? Turn to Jesus. He is the light. He can make a way in the darkness. He can turn night into day. How does He do this? He changes you.

10/14/98 Isaiah 35:4
Weakness is not a terminal disease. We struggle with sin everyday. Sometimes we fall and seek His forgiveness and cleansing immediately and other times it takes awhile for the Lord to get our attention. Jesus Christ the Lord will conquer our sin and bring victory each time we call. We are weak but He is strong. His power is waiting on our call.

10/15/98 Isaiah 41:10
Have you been to the Lord for His cleansing power? Can you look at your life and see the consistent activity of God in all that you do? The wonderful blessing from the Lord is that when we find we have strayed from Him, we can repent and change. The Lord is committed to you because of Jesus work on the Cross. His blood cleanses us from all unrighteous

10/16/98 Isaiah 43:1
Is your job the pitts? Are your children impossible? Has everything you count precious and dear become a problem? Is the Word dry when you read it? Do your prayers go unanswered? Remember that the Lord created you and is with you even when it doesn’t feel like it. Let the redeemed of the Lord say, Jesus is Lord. Be encouraged, you are not alone.

10/17-18/98 Jeremiah 17:8
As you develop that dependent relationship with the Lord, you will find that the cares and worries of everyday life will become bearable. No longer will they have the hold on your heart that they once had. Peace will become your ally. Confidence will be your theme song. Day by day you will be nourished and encouraged in this life and reassured for the life to come. Jesus is Lord of life.

10/19/98 Luke 8:25
We can put our full trust and confidence in Jesus. Do you need a miracle? He can provide just exactly what you need. Not what you want, what you need. Sometimes we are in need of growth and that usually involves pain. Sometimes comfort is the days need. Or maybe, you just need to be changed; miraculously He can do that too. Put your need in the hands of Jesus. He is a need meeting Lord.

10/20/98 John 3:20
Has anyone done you wrong lately? If they have, you are probably still thinking about how badly you were treated, how unfair life is and how you are going to get even. Sin! Stop right now and confess that as sin. Ask the Lord to forgive you, to forgive the person who wronged you and to help you forgive them.

10/21/98 Romans 8:15
Most of us have a past that causes us grief. We’ve made mistakes and maybe even done some things that we wished we hadn’t done but we did. Our enemy, that old deceiver Satan, knows these things that cause us anguish and is quick to remind us of them. When he does, take that thought to the Father. Ask Him to relieve you of that guilt and anguish. And He will. The Lord loves you.

10/22/98 1 John 4:18
When fear comes calling, remind yourself of God’s love. He physically demonstrated His love for you by His life. He expressed His victory by the resurrection. You participate in that victory because of His love. That same love will see you through troubled times. His love will quiet your fears and give you confidence to meet your needs.

10/23/98 Deuteronomy 20:4
When we think of the wisdom and scope of God’s plan we can praise Him with all our heart. Everything we need for righteous living is provided in Christ. Jesus is God’s everything. Victory against the enemy, even when the enemy is us is provided. The Lord is on our side. Who or what can stand against us? Our victory is in Jesus.

10/24-25/98 2 Samuel 22:36
Victory is a work that the Lord makes available for each one of us. He provides salvation as a grace gift. His involvement in our lives doesn’t end when we are saved. He lives in us to enable us to survive, and grow and be victorious. His Holy Spirit directs our paths. Everything we need for righteous living is provided in our relationship with Jesus. When we face defeat, He is there to bring victory. When we are ready to throw in the towel, He is there to encourage us and give us another chance. Our God loves us and provides for us in Christ the Lord.

10/26/98 Psalms 60:12
Sin is the enemy. Some of our sins are immorality, impure thoughts, lust, idolatry, anger, quarrelling, jealousy, selfishness, envy, hate, evil actions, and many more. The key to victory is the phrase “with God.” We are powerless He is powerful. He gives us the victory in our daily lives when we are with Him.

10/27/98 1 Corinthians 15:54-55
The law has lost its death grip on us. We cannot keep the law but in Christ it cannot destroy us. Christ freed us from our sin. He died that we might be set free by God’s grace and not our works. Thank God we are free. Praise Jesus the Lord from whom all blessings flow.

10/28/98 1 John 5:4
Overcoming the world is never easy. But, we are not alone. We start our journey with Jesus, face our challenges everyday with Jesus and when we die we will go to be with Jesus. Jesus is God’s everything. When our burden is too great to bear, this same Jesus will be there to help us carry our load. Jesus is our burden bearer. Amen?

10/29/98 Luke 10:17
You want power, stay with Jesus. You need wisdom, ask the Lord. Are you overwhelmed with doubt and fear and heartache? Turn to Jesus. He has the power to make the things that are wrong in our life right. He turns us right side up. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

10/30/98 Romans 8: 38-39
When you give your life to Jesus Christ your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. You are eternally a Citizen of Heaven. Our struggle here will not affect our citizenship. You belong to the Lord. Nothing can change that. What a joy divine, Jesus is mine and I am His.

10/31/98 Revelation 20:10
Satan’s threats are limited. He does not have eternal power. The victory has been won and Satan has lost. What we need, the Lord provides. We make a choice everyday of our life. Will we take up our cross and follow the Lord in victory or will we do our own thing in defeat? You choose. Jesus is God’s everything.

September 1998

(9/1) Acts 4:12
Salvation is a one way street. It runs from Jesus to the sinner. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, there is no other way to the Father but thru Christ. “For by grace are ye saved.” Salvation comes by trusting in Jesus to save you. Bless the name of the Lord.

(9/2) Acts 13:47
God gives us a new heart when we are saved. We become new creatures in Christ. Covenant blood courses through our bodies. We have a relationship to shout about. Tell everyone what the Lord has done for you.

(9/3) Romans 1:16
Secular society says you can’t know the way. God says that He is the way. Salvation is for everyone. When you go to Jesus with your problems, He answers you. Jesus wants you to tell the world what He has done for you. Bless the name of the Lord.

(9/4) Romans 13:11
Everybody dies. Your date with judgement will be sooner than you think. You’ve been saved. You know somebody that isn’t saved. You must tell them what the Lord has done for you. You don’t have much time. Do it now. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

(9/5-6) 2 Corinthians 1:6
The Lord’s children encourage each other. We do for our brothers and sisters in Christ what was done for us. When we live what we have been taught, those we care for are taught what we have learned. When it comes to developing a Christian lifestyle, actions are the books we study.

(9/7) 2 Corinthians 6:2
God was listening to you. Before you knew Him, when you were dead in your trespasses and sin, He was listening to your heart. You were broken and cried out, Lord save me. He heard you. He, the Lord, saved you. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

(9/8) 2 Corinthians 7:10
We will never have Jesus until Jesus is all we have. Surrender comes when we have exhausted all other options. We never deserve Christ. He is looking for us every day. Searching for the lost to bring them into the Kingdom. Are you pained by the way your life is going? Have you asked Jesus into your heart?

(9/9) Ephesians 1:13
Aren’t you glad that God seals you with the Holy Spirit? Satan, that old accuser, is always pointing out our sin. The Spirit compels us to confess our sin. Confession is agreeing with God, our sin is sin. The Lord forgives us. The Holy Spirit enables us to declare, Satan, the Lord rebuke you. I belong to Christ.

(9/10) Philippians 1:19
Our weaknesses and trials disappoint us. Those weaknesses and trails are the very things that God can use. When others pray for us we are strengthened and encouraged. That very idea should compel us to remember to pray for our friends, leaders and folks in need. Pray for me. God loves you.

(9/11) 1 Thessalonians 5:8
God loves you. You are saved by God’s grace. Wonderful grace that is far greater than anything you can think or imagine. Romans 8:38 declares that nothing can separate us from God’s love. Don’t be frightened or lose your confidence. God is on your side. God loves you. Jesus is Lord.

(9/12-13) 1 Thessalonians 5:9
Has someone told you that you are hopeless? That is a lie. God’s Word says that who so ever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Is there a need in your heart? God replaces hearts. Let Him replace your heart with a new heart. Let Jesus have control of your life. Surrender your self-directed way to God’s way. Confess to the Lord that you know you are a sinner. Ask Him to forgive you. Ask Him to come into your heart and save you. Thank the Lord for your salvation. God’s plan for your life is good. His plan begins with your salvation. Do it now. Jesus is Lord. He loves you!

(9/14) Hebrews 2:3
First hand accounts. Those that touched Him tell us: We are loved and blessed. God is concerned and involved. We are not alone. We can go into the Lord’s throne room. What a great salvation we have. We have victory in Jesus. Don’t forget you are accountable for this great privilege. Do the right thing.

(9/15) Hebrews 9:28
Christ died for us so that we would not have to die spiritually. He paved the way so that we might have a relationship with the Father. Whosoever may come. One day, in a second the heavens will be split asunder and the Lord of Glory will appear. In that moment judgement will have arrived. Those in Christ will go to be with him. The ones outside will be left behind, eternally. The Lord is good, all the time.

(9/16) 1 Peter 2:2
On my daily walk I came upon a 4-year old child who ran up to me in the street. My grandma’s coming he blurted out. I’m so excited. When you are going to God’s Word, be excited about what the Lord is going to say to you. Crave His instruction, intervention, presence and power. The Lord is good and worthy of our adoration. I’m so excited.

(9/17) Revelation 7:10
Adam’s response to the Lord’s questioning was that she made me do it. Sin blinds our eyes and stains our lives. Sin is everywhere. Sin is inescapable. Salvation from sin comes from Jesus Christ. He cleanses us from all our sin. Jesus is the only way that we can find cleansing from our sin.

(9/18) Revelation 12:10
Trust in Christ. All of the resources that we need for our life are in Him. We have not been shortchanged. We are not at the mercy of the Evil Accuser. We have the Lord. In Him we can live and move and breathe and indeed find the path of survival. Hope in the Lord. Our salvation is complete in Christ.

(9/19-20) Job 11:18
Christ is all. He is all I need. He is adequate for every problem that I face. He is there when I fail. He is available when I am weak. He is equipped to help me when I think I am strong. He is mine when I want to go my own way. Hope in the Lord. He is well able to deal with each one of our lives.

(9/21) Psalm 9:18
Do not despair. The Lord is on your side. You are beloved of God. He is concerned about your troubles this very moment. Do not let the cares and worries of this life condemn you. You are a child of the King. Walk with Him and he will carry you. He will deliver you! Blessed be the name of the Lord.

(9/22) Psalm 25:3
Worried about God’s work in your life? Wait patiently upon him. He will not be late. He has not forgotten your striving to know him. He will not overlook you faithfulness. At the right time in the right way the Lord will arrive. His eyes are on you. Stay the course.

(9/23) Psalm 25:5
Only the Lord can lead us. Only the Holy Spirit can teach us. The Lord knows who we are and all about us. He created us. Jesus saves us. Hope in the Lord. He is trustworthy and true. God loves you.

(9/24) Psalm 25:21
Two powerful forces protect us along life’s way. Integrity forces us to admit that we are sinners saved by grace. Honesty requires that we learn the Lord’s way, and strive to walk in it. Here I am Lord and I confess my sin seeking your forgiveness. I will take your lessons to heart and put them to work in my life. Integrity and honesty protect us along life’s way.

(9/25) Psalm 31:24
We feel it. We think about it. We pray for it. Your faith is the confident assurance that what you feel, think about and pray will happen. Christ’s resurrection from the dead is the Father’s action that validates your hope. Jesus is alive. Jesus is providing for you this very moment. Seated at the right hand of the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ is interceding for you even as you listen to this message. Bless the name of the Lord.

(9/26-27) Psalm 33:18
Our Lord is watching over you. Troubles will come. If the Lord tarries, death is sure. But your relationship with the Lord High God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords is sure. He will never let you slip out of the palm of His hand. You are under His watchful eye. Nothing will ever happen in your life that surprises the Lord. Praise God, from whom all blessings flow.

(9/28) Ecclesiastes 9:4
Salvation is a choice. I must make that choice myself. No one else can choose for me. The Lord is good and gracious, seeking that we might be saved. It doesn’t matter your station in life. Good looks, great luck or wealth do not make a difference in that day of judgment. When we die, we can no longer choose. Choose Jesus as your Lord and Savior today. Do it now.

(9/29) Isaiah 40:31
God has all of the power and resources that you need. He is never too busy to listen to you. He is never weakened. He is always available to intervene and help. The Lord’s strength is the source of our strength. Are you weak and heavy laden? Stop right now and ask the Lord to help you. Call upon the Lord and He will hear your plea.

(9/30) Psalm 33:20
There are many good ideas and great people. Having a good idea or being a great person doesn’t save you. One writer friend of mine noted that Ghandi was the most righteous man in hell. Only Jesus can save you. And in that day, the day of judgement, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord. Make Jesus Lord of your life today. Don’t wait. Do it now.

August 1998

(8/4) Deuteronomy 7:9
Have you got a private hurt? Does this hurt continually sideline you in your spiritual growth? Is this hurt robbing you of your joy? Your God is the one and only God. Obey Him and let His love solve your hurt.

(8/5) Deuteronomy 32:4
When you are traveling in the Judean Desert a rock can provide shade from the blazing sun. So that you can see where you are going, you can use the rock to check your progress and as a guide. If enemies attack you, you can use the rock for protection. In our journey of life, God our Rock, gives us just what we need.

(8/6) 2 Samuel 22:26
We want people to see us as we would like to be. We deal with ourselves as we really are. God is not confused about the way that we really are. He sees our heart, He knows our intentions and He can change us if we deal with Him honestly. God is not fooled by the charades of our lives. Deal with the Lord with the understanding that He knows all things. Bless you as you strive to grow.

(8/7) Psalms 16:10
When we confess our sin and ask Christ to save us we are saved. When we come into the God’s Family, He treats us as a family member from that point on. Remember, when you are struggling in prayer, you are talking with your Father.

(8/8-9) Psalm 25:10
We live in a fallen world. Everything around us is in a process of decay. So are we.
It is easy for us to think that since everything we can see is decaying that God’s love could fail. It cannot fail. It is the very thing that we can count on. Paul expresses it best in Romans 8:39 “…nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Feel loved today. God loves you.

(8/10) Psalm 31:23  Love the Lord
Job said “the Lord gave me everything I had, and the Lord has taken it away. Praise the name of the Lord!” Job recognized that there was a great deal that the Lord does that he would not understand. He also understood that his position in life, victor or loser, did not dictate his relationship with the Lord.

Are you winning? Do you feel closer to the Lord? Are you losing? Do you feel farther from the Lord? We cannot base our decisions on feelings. A life that is faithful is a life that is based on the promises and character of the Lord. He loves you and He is faithful.

(8/11) Psalm 33:4  Oops!
“I wish I hadn’t said that!” Have you ever found yourself thinking that? There is an old saying that we never have to apologize for what we don’t say.

God is perfect. He is without error. He never says anything that He doesn’t mean. Don’t worry about understanding what God is doing in your life. Trust the Lord.

(8/12) Psalm 37:28  Angry?
Do you ever get angry about evil in our society? Do you feel a sense of helplessness at those that are in high places living wicked lives? The Lord say “don’t worry about the wicked.” His promise is that we have much more than we realize, He, the Lord is on our side and championing our lives.

God is good, all the time.

(8/13) Psalm 86:16  Mercy
All men and women are sinners. Each of us sin everyday. Sin separates us from God. The Lord provides forgiveness for our sin. Lord, thank you for saving us and having mercy on us “for you, O Lord, help and comfort” us. You are a merciful and gracious God.

(8/14) Psalm 97:10  He Will
Are you struggling with a particularly evil habit in your life? Do you keep it hidden from others but always seem to be falling prey to its evil clutches? The Lord says hate evil. The Lord says that He will deliver you from the power of the wicked. God will keep His promises.

(8/15-16) Psalm 101:6 Heroes
Who are your heroes? When you are faced with a difficult decision and the response must be NOW, who do you act like?

God is in the business of reclaiming misdirected lives. Turn your strength over to the Lord and let Him use your weakness. Lord you are my hero! Help me Lord. And, He will.

(8/17) Psalm 111:7 Justice
God’s laws are perfect and true. Abortion is wrong. Euthanasia is evil. Assisting in a suicide is murder. God is weighing America on His scale of justice. We are reaping what we have sown.

Dear God, forgive our nation and us for our sin. Bless the name of the Lord.

(8/18) Psalm 116:16 Awareness
Oh the joy of experiencing peace with the Lord. Worry and pain are wiped away by His presence. Encouragement comes when we are aware of His attention. Our awareness enables the Lord to breathe renewal into our souls. Praise the Lord.

(8/19) Psalm 145:13 Unique
God made you unique. You have a calling on your life. God wants you to do what no one can do for you, serve Him. In our surrender to Him, we discover our service. In our service, we are gifted with freedom. “I will praise the Lord and everyone on earth will bless His holy name forever and forever.”

(8/20) Proverbs 2:8
Worry is a persistent problem in our society. We are worried about our kids, work, spouses, neighbors, church, pets, our past and our future.

Worry is wrong. My Father is in control of all things. Like a little child, I can follow Him, trust Him and live a worry free life. He guards my paths. I choose to trust Him.

(8/21) Proverbs 28:20
If it looks too good to be true, it is. Shortcuts take us through dangerous country. The easy way is the wrong way.

Yes, the right way often seems endless. It often looks like things will never work out. Our trials mount up and day after day difficulties continue. But, the Lord knows how to rescue godly people from their trials. God’s way is the right way.

(8/22-23) Isaiah 49:7
But God demonstrates His love towards us in that while we were dead in our trespasses and sin Christ died for us. The Righteous One died for me and for you. He died for us that we might have a loving, eternal relationship with the Father. The Chosen One has chosen. Are you willing?

(8/24) Isaiah 55:3
The salvation of the Lord is an eternal covenant that He makes with us. Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

A change of heart is the easiest difficult decision we will ever make. Give up control of your life. Ask the Lord to come into your heart. He will give you a new heart and a new life. Bless the name of the Lord.

(8/25) Matthew 25:21
Heroic spiritual lives are built one obedience at a time. God is interested in consistently faithful, obedient lives, not furious bursts of spirituality.

All of us have been taken in by the Yellowstone Christians, who look good and act good but last only for a short season. They never understand that faithfulness involves obedience. Do the right thing. Serve where you are. Don’t wait till tomorrow. Now.

(8/26) Romans 12:12
Keeping up with the Jones’s has become the great American pastime. Car, house, vacation and earnings are all evaluated to consider our worth. In the “Name it and Claim it” Christian lifestyle this type of sin is used to evaluate God’s blessings. “Is God giving us enough?”

The Word of God says that He, the Lord, is planning your life. Stand by the stuff and focus on Jesus for reassurances of the value and worth of your life. Oh, and when you pray, be sure to pray that the Lord will help you to survive. Not to change the Lord’s mind, but to remind you that the Lord is in charge.

(8/27) 1 Corinthians 1:9
Is the pain unbearable? Does your hurt grow and grow? Is loneliness a constant companion?

The Lord wants you to know that you can trust Him. The pain may not get better today but it will get better. The hurt may seem to increase but the Lord will bring relief. When you spend time with Him, your awareness of His presence grows and the loneliness disappears. He will deal with the problems in your life. No problem is too big for Jesus.

(8/28) 1 Corinthians 4:2
“A little here, a little there and no one will be the wiser. They don’t treat me right, I deserve this.” These are common thoughts for those who would rationalize their sin. A servant must do what his master demands. Each day the Lord presents us with needs and opportunities that challenge us to do the right thing. Be faithful in all you do. Jesus is coming soon.

(8/29-30) 1 Corinthians 10:13
Obey Jesus. Put the activities of your life on a Godward focus, consistently obeying Him. When trials come, and they will, the Lord will already have prepared you for victory. Run straight for the goal. Build purpose in every step. Have faith in the Lord.

(8/31) 2 Thessalonians 3:3
I am expected to seek the Lord. Bible study, prayer and a quiet time are the daily activities of the Christian Life that facilitate God working in me to become like Jesus. All of the activities and energies of my life are to be focused on the Lord. He is worthy and interested in my devotion. The Lord will deal with the evil one.