Today's Good News


01/28          Jeremiah 29:11

JEREMIAH 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.
6 Points
      1. Context of Captivity
      •  Jeremiah writes to the Jewish exiles in Babylon, reminding them that their displacement is neither random nor permanent.
      •  Although they face captivity, God’s ultimate plan transcends their current predicament.
      •  The promise of future restoration foreshadows the fuller freedom Christ brings to those exiled by sin.
      2. Covenant Faithfulness
      •  The verse points to God’s covenant commitment: He hasn’t abandoned His people but holds steadfast in His promises.
      •  Despite Israel’s repeated failures, God’s resolve remains unbroken, hinting at the everlasting faithfulness ultimately revealed in Jesus—the mediator of a better covenant (Hebrews 8:6).
      3. Counsel of Divine Intention
      •  “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you” highlights the counsel of God’s benevolent will.
      •  These “thoughts” or plans are deliberate and purposeful, countering despair with a future infused by His grace.
      •  Christ, the incarnate Word, epitomizes God’s perfect plan for humanity, reconciling us to the Father and offering everlasting hope.
      4. Comfort in Peace
      •  God’s promise includes “thoughts of peace, and not of evil,” emphasizing comfort over calamity.
      •  True peace (Hebrew shalom) implies wholeness—spirit, soul, and body.
      •  Jesus, as the “Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6), fulfills the promise of shalom, bringing reconciliation and healing to all who trust in Him.
      5. Confidence in the Future
      •  The phrase “to give you an expected end” (or a “future and a hope” in other translations) instills confidence in God’s unwavering sovereignty.
      •  Even in seasons of delay or difficulty, the believer’s outlook is anchored in God’s assured outcome.
      •  Christ’s resurrection secures our ultimate future, guaranteeing that even death cannot thwart God’s plans for redemption.
      6. Christ-Centered Perspective
      •  Reading Jeremiah 29:11 through a Christocentric lens reveals the promise’s fullest expression in Jesus.
      •  Every promise finds its “Yes” and “Amen” in Christ (2 Corinthians 1:20), transforming an ancient pledge to Israel into a timeless blessing for all who belong to Him.
      •  Thus, the text points beyond the immediate return from Babylon to the redemptive return Christ provides from sin’s captivity.
Jeremiah 29:11, set against the backdrop of Babylonian exile, underscores God’s unwavering commitment to bring His people peace and a hopeful future. Seen through a Christ-centered lens, it anticipates the ultimate deliverance found in Jesus—the One who perfectly embodies God’s plan, faithfulness, and peace. While the exiles looked forward to a return to their homeland, we who are in Christ anticipate even greater restoration and eternal security under His lordship.
In the hush of exile’s dawn,
Hope lingers like morning light on tired faces,
A promise echoes across forgotten borders,
That peace is never beyond the reach of divine grace.
Voices tremble with questions in foreign lands,
Yet a silent assurance fills the aching gaps,
Telling of thoughts woven by hands unseen,
Hands that spin captivity into the thread of new beginnings.
Far beyond deserted streets and broken gates,
A deeper presence grows in hidden hearts,
Where the weight of promise outlasts regret,
And the horizon whispers of a coming King.
He who shapes galaxies with a single word,
Shapes destinies in the quiet corners of faith,
His counsel is steadfast, stronger than shifting empires,
A bright beacon against the dark winds of doubt.
Even in the lingering night of unfulfilled dreams,
An unbreakable vow sparkles across the sky,
Reminding every weary soul that love endures,
And heaven’s design does not falter with the tide.
At the center stands a cross that answers exile’s ache,
Where peace steps into our deepest ruin with healing steps,
Grace enfolds every sorrow, forging a future,
A gentle conqueror who carries our burdens.
In this unveiling, hearts discover a new name,
Written by the Author of redemption’s story,
Who sculpts deserts into lush fields of promise,
And crowns longing with the joy of belonging.
Morning breaks at last with unrivaled clarity,
Captivity undone by a Savior’s compassion,
Every promise finds completion in His gaze,
And we rise, anchored in a hope that cannot fail.
In the hush of an ancient promise, Your voice still resonates,
Tracing hope across the pages of our fractured stories,
You speak of thoughts shaped by mercy, not misfortune,
Plans of peace, offered freely to restless hearts,
Even the shadows of Babylon cannot eclipse Your intention,
For in every exile, Your whisper of home persists,
Unfolding the vision of a dawn that never fails,
Where Christ stands as the sure sign of returning light.
Aching hearts strain to see beyond the dust of disappointment,
Yet Your covenant remains like an anchor, unmoved by storms,
You declare a future that transcends our narrow horizons,
For all that falters in us finds fullness in the Son,
He is the guarantee of better days and a deeper belonging,
The firm foundation when every other promise crumbles,
With gentle authority, He gathers our scattered dreams,
Turning the rubble of despair into pathways of grace.
In Christ, the exiled soul beholds the face of rescue,
His wounds tell the story of a God who never abandons,
Standing at the crossroads of agony and triumph,
He carries the burden of our weariness toward renewal,
Our expected end is written in the lines of His love,
Each scar a reminder that no captor holds us forever,
For where bondage once thrived, a greater freedom reigns,
And every trial bows before the King who overcomes.
“You have plans for us,” the prophet’s pen declares,
But the cross reveals the shape of those sacred plans,
In that solemn intersection of sorrow and salvation,
Your unyielding resolve bursts the chains of sin,
Here is the peace no empire could promise,
A wholeness unbroken by time’s shifting fortunes,
Steady and unrelenting, it guards every anxious mind,
Reminding us that the final word belongs to grace.
So we stand on the threshold of tomorrow, hearts awake,
Learning again that hope is a person, not a passing dream,
He who scattered the stars calls us by name,
Inscribing destiny in the book of His everlasting story,
No exile is endless with Christ weaving redemption’s thread,
No despair remains unchallenged by His triumphant light,
We rest in the God who sees the end from the beginning,
And lifts our eyes to the promise that cannot fail.

JAN. 27 – GIFT

01/27          2 Thessalonians 3:16
16 Now may the Lord of peace himself give you his peace at all times and in every situation. The Lord be with you all.

5 Points
      1. Context and Circumstances
      •  Paul concludes his letter addressing a church facing both external persecution and internal disorder.
      •  Despite tensions, he shifts focus to the overarching theme of God’s peace—a divine resource transcending any earthly turmoil.
      •  This closing prayer reveals Paul’s pastoral heart: he wants the Thessalonians to experience calm assurance despite unrest.
      2. Character of the Christ
      •  Jesus is referred to here as the “Lord of peace.”
      •  This title underscores His identity: just as God is love (1 John 4:8), Christ is the embodiment and source of true peace (John 14:27).
      •  Believers are reminded that real tranquility finds its origin not in circumstances, but in the person and presence of Christ.
      3. Continuity of Peace
      •  Paul prays for peace “at all times,” highlighting the unbroken, continuous nature of God’s provision.
      •  This is not an intermittent gift but a constant supply accessible in every season, whether times of spiritual warfare, relational tension, or daily challenges.
      •  The ongoing availability of divine peace invites believers to draw upon it moment by moment.
      4. Comprehensive Benediction
      •  The phrase “in every way” (or “in every circumstance”) reflects the full scope of God’s peace—covering every facet of life.
      •  This benediction encompasses mental, emotional, relational, and spiritual realms, ensuring that no area is left untouched by God’s comforting presence.
      •  Paul’s prayer serves as a holistic blessing, addressing the total well-being of the believer.
      5. Consolation of Presence
      •  “The Lord be with you all” ties God’s peace directly to His nearness.
      •  It is the experience of God’s presence—His companionship and guidance—that undergirds the peace Paul envisions.
      •  This consoling promise assures believers that they are never abandoned; the faithful Lord stands ready to sustain them.
In 2 Thessalonians 3:16, Paul’s parting prayer emphasizes the constant and comprehensive nature of God’s peace, rooted in Christ’s very identity as the “Lord of peace.” He reminds the Thessalonians that no matter the chaos or the conflict, God’s presence remains their enduring source of serenity and security. From beginning to end, the believer’s journey is meant to be marked by confidence in the One who imparts peace “at all times in every way.”
A hush settles over the restless streets,
Night sky drawn like a curtain of quiet assurance,
In the center of the clamor stands an enduring peace,
A presence invisible yet profoundly felt.
Gentle footprints trace the outlines of the soul,
Where fear once stalked with unrelenting tread,
Now the calm of an unseen hand soothes the weary,
Reminding hearts of a grace that mends every fracture.
Sunlit mornings open onto a landscape of hope,
A reminder that peace is not chained to circumstance,
But flows from a source higher than shifting seasons,
Tangible only to those who dare to rest in its promise.
Each step of faith becomes an echo of belonging,
In the echo, the Spirit breathes stability and calm,
No voice of anxiety can outlast eternal nearness,
No shadow dark enough to eclipse the Lord of peace.
When dusk returns and silence envelopes the day,
The benediction still lingers: He remains with us,
Peace, unwavering, secures what worry threatens,
And we abide in the arms of the One who stays.

In the hush before dawn, a quiet promise stirs,
Hovering over tired hopes and frayed edges,
A whisper of presence stronger than sleepless nights,
Steadying the heart with silent assurance.
No tumult can outlast this hidden strength,
Where storms rage, yet fail to unsettle the core,
In the midst of the swirling winds of change,
Peace extends an anchor, unwavering and calm.
Doubts may knock on the door of every thought,
But light seeps in through cracks of faith,
Revealing a path gentler than despair’s demands,
Carved by the hand of the One who dwells within.
In community and solitude, the same quiet holds,
Breathing life into strained voices and weary steps,
Each sigh of relief echoing a deeper truth:
The abiding Lord of peace never stands aloof.
Day fades into night and dawn returns once more,
Yet the covering of calm endures each rotation,
Beneath all that changes, a steadfast gift remains,
The nearness of Christ, bearing peace beyond measure.

   •     The phrase “followeth after” comes from a Hebrew verb that conveys active pursuit or intentional chasing. It’s not a passive waiting but a determined movement toward godly virtues.
   •     Righteousness (Hebrew tsedaqah) and mercy (Hebrew chesed) together paint a picture of uprightness in one’s dealings with others, coupled with steadfast love and compassion.
   •     This emphasis on wholehearted pursuit implies that spiritual growth involves conscious effort, discipline, and commitment rather than mere intellectual agreement.

JAN. 26 – FIND

01/26          Proverbs 21:21
21 Whoever pursues righteousness and unfailing love
will find life, righteousness, and honor.


   •     The long-term prospect of living by righteousness and mercy is enduring reward. Even if immediate circumstances seem challenging, a life built on God’s virtues will yield eternal, spiritual returns.
   •     The believer’s outlook remains hopeful, since God honors those who reflect His heart of justice and compassion. Over time, this faithfulness garners both divine commendation and a legacy of integrity.
Proverbs 21:21 underscores the call to intentionally chase after righteousness and mercy. These virtues, rooted in God’s own character, become guiding priorities that stabilize and enrich our lives. The promise of life, righteousness, and honor reflects a deep-seated blessing that transcends worldly success, affirming that a heart shaped by justice and compassion is ultimately rewarded by God.
Quiet footsteps trace the path of dawn,
Seeking the stillness before words awaken,
In the hush, righteousness beckons like a steady flame,
While mercy’s warmth glimmers at the edges of vision,
Nothing is hurried, everything is deliberate,
A soul stretching beyond the confines of self,
Reaching for what endures when applause fades,
Attentive to the whisper that reminds us who we are.
Shadows lengthen across the day’s worn road,
Conversations crackle with need and hope,
Righteousness stands firm in the face of compromise,
Mercy extends an open hand to the undeserving,
Here, in the tension of human limits, grace emerges,
Blessed are those who balance truth with kindness,
Their steps guided by a divine symmetry,
Bearing peace where chaos once reigned.
At dusk, reflections gather in the heart’s chamber,
Memories of chances taken, generosity offered,
In that softening light, wisdom weaves a tapestry,
Threading moments of uprightness with tender compassion,
Honor germinates quietly in hidden fields of faithfulness,
Birthing a dignity untouched by shifting trends,
Life, once a simple pulse, grows into a resonant call,
Inviting us to dwell in the fullness of God’s design.
Nightfall hums with the promise of new beginnings,
Stars bear witness to the faithful pursuit below,
Where hearts align themselves to a higher principle,
And burdens are lightened by merciful hands,
The seeker discovers an identity rooted in the sacred,
Illuminated by the glow of divine acceptance,
Righteousness and mercy, clasping hands across eternity,
Offering both refuge and roadmap for all who dare to follow.


01/25          Luke 10:20

20 But don’t rejoice because evil spirits obey you; rejoice because your names are registered in heaven.”


Luke 10:20

1. Context: Christ’s Commission

   •     Earlier in Luke 10, Jesus sends out seventy (or seventy-two) disciples to proclaim the kingdom of God.

   •     These disciples return ecstatic because demons submit to them in Jesus’ name, demonstrating God’s power at work through them.

   •     This verse situates us at a pivotal moment of revelation: the disciples discover the supernatural impact of Christ’s commission, but Jesus is about to refocus their perspective.

2. Caution: A Corrective from Christ

   •     Jesus offers a gentle caution: “Do not rejoice in this” (referring to demonic subjugation).

   •     The Lord sees the potential for misaligned priorities—fixating on displays of spiritual authority can lead to pride or misplaced dependence on external wonders.

   •     True spiritual maturity recognizes that miraculous signs, while important, are not the foundation of eternal security or identity.

3. Centrality: A Christ-Centered Perspective

   •     By shifting their attention away from what they can do to who they are in God’s plan, Jesus calls them to a deeper reality.

   •     He underscores that their significance lies not primarily in supernatural exploits but in their belonging to God’s kingdom.

   •     Their ultimate centrality rests in being God’s children, citizens of heaven, rather than in the visible manifestations of power.

4. Consolation: Assurance from Above

   •     “Your names are recorded in heaven” speaks to an assurance that transcends earthly triumphs or trials.

   •     This phrase evokes the Scriptural motif of a “Book of Life” (cf. Rev. 20:12, 15) that signifies eternal belonging and acceptance.

   •     The comfort is profound: no earthly success or failure can overshadow the unfading security found in God’s eternal register.

5. Continuation: Living with Lasting Joy

   •     Jesus redirects His disciples to a joy rooted in eternal truths rather than temporary victories.

   •     Spiritual authority over demons is impressive, but it pales in comparison to the unbreakable bond they share with God.

   •     This continuation of joy, which extends beyond present circumstances, illustrates the difference between momentary excitement and perpetual hope.

6. Commission: A Call to Clarity

   •     Lastly, the verse commissions believers to maintain clarity on what truly matters in the spiritual life.

   •     Yes, we serve God and can witness His power. But the apex of our rejoicing is that we are loved, known, and etched into God’s everlasting story.

   •     Such clarity fuels humility: all power is from Christ, and all true joy flows from being known by Him.


Luke 10:20 offers a vital check on spiritual enthusiasm: while victories over evil are meaningful, they must never overshadow the deeper wonder of belonging to God. Christ cautions His disciples to center their joy not on what they do but on who they are—people whose names are inscribed in God’s eternal record. This perspective orients believers toward lasting hope, assurance, and humility, emphasizing that the greatest miracle of all is acceptance into the heavenly kingdom.



Nightfall wraps around the travelers,

Footprints trailing through dust and wonder,

The echoes of triumph resound on quiet streets,

Demons vanquished, lives altered, voices hushed with awe,

Yet in the hush, a deeper truth rises,

Not in fleeting power, but in relentless grace,

Names carried on heaven’s unending pages.


Morning light breaks through the horizon,

Illuminating the travelers’ hearts with new clarity,

A cross-shaped promise stands before them,

Inviting wonder beyond the drama of the day,

All feats, though mighty, yield to eternity’s glow,

Their deepest identity rests beyond mortal measure,

In the God who sculpts forever from frail human stories.


In crowded villages and silent hills,

The question echoes: Where is true rejoicing found?

Victory dances on the surface but soon quiets,

While the soul’s belonging resonates eternal,

Heaven’s pen has etched their names in unwavering lines,

A testimony more solid than rock or fortress,

And joy flows from that knowledge without end.


Even as dusk returns, with shadows and sighs,

They remember the One who commissions with caution and care,

Celebration finds its place in humble gratitude,

Power is acknowledged but not exalted,

For the greater power lies in the promise of belonging,

Written by a hand that does not falter,

And sealed by love that eternity cannot dim.


01/24          Isaiah 28:29

29 The Lord of Heaven’s Armies is a wonderful teacher,
    and he gives the farmer great wisdom.


Six points of reflection on this verse:

      1. Source

      •  The verse begins by affirming that all wisdom and instruction “comes from the Lord of hosts.”

      •  Everything preceding—the guidance, instruction, and even the method of how God deals with His people—finds its source in His divine nature.

      2. Supremacy

      •  The title “Lord of hosts” magnifies God’s supremacy over all powers, armies, and authorities.

      •  This name underscores His sovereign command over every realm and resource in creation.

      3. Splendor

      •  God’s counsel is described as “wonderful,” indicating splendor and awe in the way He directs and teaches.

      •  His ways inspire reverence because they transcend human limitations, reflecting His beautiful and perfect character.

      4. Strategy

      •  The counsel of God is not random but carried out with strategy and intentional design.

      •  This verse points to a God who orchestrates events for the ultimate good and growth of His people.

      5. Sagacity

      •  “Excellent in wisdom” highlights His sagacity—a wisdom so vast that human knowledge pales in comparison.

      •  He perceives the end from the beginning and perfectly discerns the best means to bring about His purposes.

      6. Security

      •  Because God’s counsel is wonderful and His wisdom is excellent, His people have security in following His lead.

      •  Trust in His plan grants peace, for He never leads astray nor lacks the insight to guide.


Isaiah 28:29 reminds us that true wisdom and perfect counsel originate from the sovereign Lord. We see God’s supremacy in His title, His splendor in wonderful guidance, His strategic ordering of events, His sagacious insight that far surpasses our own, and the security we gain in resting under His providential care. As we embrace this truth, we learn to trust His plans, accept His timing, and find comfort in His overarching purpose.



The soil is still beneath the farmer’s careful hands,

The wind murmurs of seasons turning without delay,

In hidden places, seeds find the warmth of tomorrow’s sun,

God’s wisdom breathes life through each unfurling bud,

And silent wonders unfold beneath an ancient gaze,

Even the smallest grain testifies to His counsel.


A steady voice calls from beyond morning’s first light,

It beckons to paths uncharted, unmapped, yet certain,

We step forward, unknowing, though carried by unseen arms,

In that holy hush, eternity’s echo assures us,

Our hesitations dissolve in the presence of perfect design,

Our trembling hearts find rest in unwavering guidance.


Cities rise in the distance—loud, crowded, restless,

Yet amid the noise, the gentle whisper remains,

Uncompromised and enduring, it shapes destiny,

Revealing the subtle threads weaving every story,

We look upward, outward, inward, drawn to greatness beyond sight,

And discover the wonder of counsel that never falters.


Day surrenders to night, and night to dawn again,

Time surges forward, unstoppable, yet purpose-laden,

We search for answers in a sea of questions,

Finding in the Divine One a fount of endless wisdom,

A promise that all things can be taught by one true Teacher,

And in that instruction, we stand secure, soul-deep in grace.


01/23          Romans 1:25-28

25 They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen. 26 That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. 27 And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.

28 Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done.


1.      Exchange of Truth for Falsehood

      •  Humanity knowingly rejected God’s truth and chose to embrace lies, leading to idolatry and spiritual blindness.

        2.       Worshiping the Created Over the Creator

      •  Paul critiques the distortion of worship, where humans revere creation rather than the Creator, highlighting the root of spiritual rebellion.

        3.       God’s Eternal Blessing

      •  Despite humanity’s rebellion, Paul declares God as “blessed forever,” affirming His unchanging nature and glory.

        4.       Divine Judgment Through Abandonment

      •  “God gave them over” indicates God’s response to persistent sin by allowing humans to experience the consequences of their choices.

        5.       Degrading Passions

      •  Paul addresses moral and natural order violations, showing how rejecting God leads to corrupted desires and behaviors.

        6.       Disordered Relationships

      •  The abandonment of natural relations reflects the broader breakdown of God’s design for human relationships.

        7.       Penalty of Sin

      •  The phrase “receiving in their own persons” suggests that sin carries inherent consequences, both spiritual and physical.

        8.       Rejection of Acknowledging God

      •  Humanity’s refusal to honor God leads to a depraved mind—a state where moral discernment is lost.

        9.       Depraved Mind Defined

      •  A depraved mind is one incapable of aligning with God’s will, resulting in actions contrary to His purposes.

        10.      Proper vs. Improper

      •  Paul emphasizes the contrast between what aligns with God’s design and what deviates from it, underscoring the moral implications of rejecting Him.

        11.      Universal Implications

      •  This passage reflects the universal condition of humanity under sin, demonstrating the need for redemption through Christ.

        12.      Hope in the Gospel

      •  Though this passage highlights judgment, it implicitly points to the hope of restoration through repentance and faith in Jesus.


“I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonders.”

      1. A Personal Commitment to Gratitude

      •  The psalmist begins with a declaration of intentional and wholehearted gratitude to God. The phrase “with all my heart” underscores a deep, undivided devotion that includes emotions, intellect, and will. This highlights the importance of sincere worship.

      2. The Source of Thanksgiving

      •  Thanksgiving is directed to the Lord, acknowledging Him as the source of all blessings. The act of giving thanks reflects a recognition of God’s sovereignty, provision, and faithfulness.

      3. Proclaiming God’s Wonders

      •  The psalmist commits to testifying about God’s “wonders,” referring to His miraculous deeds, acts of deliverance, and creation’s majesty. Sharing these wonders serves to inspire others and glorify God.

      4. The Interplay of Praise and Testimony

      •  Thanksgiving naturally leads to proclamation. As the psalmist reflects on God’s goodness, his gratitude overflows into sharing the truth of God’s greatness, which deepens faith and fosters communal worship.


Psalm 9:1 reflects a profound heart posture of gratitude and testimony. The psalmist’s praise is not passive but active, as he commits to giving thanks and declaring God’s wonders. This verse invites believers to cultivate a lifestyle of wholehearted worship, recognizing and proclaiming God’s ongoing work in their lives.


With all my heart, I lift my thanks,
To the One who reigns in justice and love.
Each breath declares His steadfast grace,
Each moment reveals His guiding hand,
For His wonders are endless and sure.

The heavens proclaim His craftsmanship,
The earth reflects His boundless power.
In the quiet, I see His mercy unfold,
In the storm, His strength surrounds me,
Every moment testifies to His glory.

I will not withhold the song of my soul,
Nor keep silent about His mighty acts.
The world must know of His greatness,
Of His faithfulness through every trial,
For His deeds are worthy of endless praise.

From the depths of gratitude, I will speak,
Letting the truth of His wonders resound.
His light pierces the darkest night,
His love reaches to the farthest heart,
And His name is a refuge for all who seek.

With all my heart, I will remember,
The countless ways He has shown His grace.
Each step is a testament to His care,
Each breath an offering of thanks,
To the Lord, whose wonders never fade.


Acts 1:10-11 (NASB)

“And as they were gazing intently into the sky while He was going, behold, two men in white clothing stood beside them, and they said, ‘Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven.’”

1. The Ascension and Focus of the Disciples

• The disciples are described as “gazing intently,” symbolizing their awe and longing as they watch Jesus ascend into heaven. This moment marks the physical departure of Jesus from Earth and signifies the beginning of His heavenly reign.

2. The Appearance of the Two Men

• The two men in white clothing, likely angels, serve as divine messengers to redirect the disciples’ focus from watching the sky to preparing for the mission ahead. Their presence underscores God’s guidance even in moments of uncertainty.

3. The Question of Purpose

• “Why do you stand looking into the sky?” challenges the disciples to move from passive observation to active participation in the Great Commission. The angels remind them of their earthly mission while assuring them of Jesus’ eventual return.

4. The Promise of Jesus’ Return

• The angels affirm that Jesus will return “in the same way” as He ascended. This promise provides hope and motivation for believers to live faithfully while awaiting His second coming.

5. The Theological Implications of the Ascension

• The ascension signifies the glorification of Christ and the beginning of His intercessory work as High Priest (Hebrews 7:25). It also transitions the disciples’ reliance from His physical presence to the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit.


The sky opened, and He ascended,
A moment of awe, a glimpse of glory.
Disciples stood, their hearts uplifted,
Eyes fixed on the heavens above,
But the mission was yet to unfold,
Their calling anchored in His promise.

Two men in radiant white appeared,
Messengers of the unseen realm,
Their voices pierced the stillness,
“Why do you stand gazing here?
The One who rose will return again,
Just as you have seen Him go.”

The clouds carried the Savior away,
Yet His presence lingered in their hearts.
The promise of the Comforter burned bright,
A fire to guide, empower, and sustain.
The task ahead stretched far and wide,
A witness to the ends of the earth.

Hope took root in their waiting souls,
For the One who ascended would descend.
Not in weakness, but in power and might,
To establish a kingdom without end.
They turned from the skies to the world below,
Ready to proclaim the risen King.

Each step forward carried His name,
Their voices lifted in fearless faith.
The promise of His return remained,
A beacon guiding their every move.
Though He was gone, His Spirit stayed,
The power of heaven alive within.

The heavens hold the King of kings,
But Earth bears His living witness.
Through His followers, the gospel flows,
A stream of grace to every nation.
Until the day He comes again,
All creation waits with eager hope.


01/20          Psalm 121:7-8

7 The Lord keeps you from all harm
    and watches over your life.
8 The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go,
    both now and forever.


God is our divine protector.

He is actively involved in our everyday life.

This promise of protection extends forever!

His protection includes safeguarding our physical self,

And safeguarding our spiritual self and our soul. 

God is watchful over every aspect of our life. 

He is intently concerned about our eternal well-being. 

God can be trusted Jesus secures our life, now and forever.  We should rely on Him and talk with Him about our needs. 

The Lord watches as the day begins,
Guarding each step with unseen hands.
Evil may rise, but it shall not prevail,
For His shield is unbroken, His love unending.
Every journey is marked by His gaze,
Through valleys deep and mountains high.
The soul finds rest in His eternal care,
Sheltered beneath the wings of His promise.
When darkness falls and fears arise,
His light remains steady and sure.
From sunrise to sunset, His presence stays,
A refuge for all who call on His name.
The Keeper of souls never slumbers,
His watchful eyes miss no detail.
From this moment to eternity’s shore,
His protection is boundless and true.
Through Christ, the eternal promise is sealed,
A covenant of grace that cannot fail.
The Lord secures the soul’s destiny,
Guarding each step on the path to glory.
In the stillness of trust, fears dissolve,
For the Lord’s hand leads ever onward.
From going out to coming home,
He is the keeper, forever faithful.

JAN. 19 – CALL

01/19          Jeremiah 33:3

3 Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come.


1.      Invitation to Call:

      •  God extends a personal invitation to His people, urging them to call upon Him in prayer and dependence.

      •  It highlights His relational nature and desire for communication with humanity.

2.      Divine Assurance:

      •  The promise, “I will answer you,” assures the believer of God’s attentiveness and readiness to respond to sincere prayers.

3.      Hidden Mysteries:

      •  The “great and unsearchable things” signify divine truths and plans beyond human comprehension, accessible only through revelation.

4.      Context of Exile:

      •  Spoken during Israel’s captivity, the verse assures hope and future restoration, even when circumstances seem dire.

5.      Prophetic Significance:

      •  This promise points to the unveiling of God’s redemptive plan, culminating in Jesus Christ.

6.      God’s Sovereignty:

      •  The verse underscores God’s supreme authority in knowing and orchestrating the mysteries of life and salvation.

7.      Role of Faith:

      •  The act of calling on God requires faith, trusting that He will reveal His purposes in His timing.

8.      Revelation and Relationship:

      •  The promise of revelation reflects God’s desire for intimacy with His people, encouraging them to depend on Him for guidance.

9.      Application to Believers Today:

      •  Believers are encouraged to seek God in prayer, trusting Him to reveal wisdom, direction, and the assurance of His plans.

10.    Ultimate Fulfillment in Christ:

  • Jesus embodies the ultimate “great and unsearchable things,” revealing God’s heart, grace, and eternal plan of salvation.

Jeremiah 33:3 is a profound reminder of God’s desire for a close relationship with His people. It assures us of His attentiveness to prayer, His readiness to reveal divine mysteries, and His ultimate plan of redemption through Jesus Christ. This verse encourages believers to call upon God with confidence, knowing He will respond in ways that exceed human understanding.

Call to the One who knows the stars,
Who shapes the seas and stirs the skies.
In whispers and wonders, He speaks,
Revealing truths hidden from mortal sight.
Through the shadows of captivity,
His voice echoes with promise.
“Seek me,” He says, “and I will show you
The mysteries etched in eternity.”
Chains cannot silence His revelation,
Walls cannot block His light.
In the depth of despair, He whispers hope,
Unveiling paths unseen by man.
The unsearchable lies within His hands,
Hidden from the wise, yet offered to the humble.
He calls the weary to listen,
And fills their hearts with understanding.
In prayer, the veil is lifted,
Heaven’s secrets unfold like scrolls.
The great unknown becomes known,
As the Creator communes with creation.
Through His Word, the promise stands:
To answer, to guide, to reveal.
His plans surpass our understanding,
Yet His heart draws us near.
The God of Abraham still speaks,
To those who seek Him in faith.
He reveals the eternal to the finite,
A glimpse of glory beyond this world.
In Christ, the hidden is unveiled,
The Word made flesh, the mystery revealed.
Through Him, we call and are heard,
Through Him, the unsearchable is made known.
Call to Him, the Restorer of hope,
Who rebuilds what the years have broken.
He is the keeper of promises,
The revealer of what is yet to come.
From prison to paradise, His plan prevails,
For those who dare to call upon His name.
He answers with a love unending,
And opens the gates to eternal life.

January 17, 2025